Prologue Finale

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As the four leave the headmage's office and walk down the darkened hallway, everyone lets out a sigh of relief.

"Phew...We managed to avoid expulsion. That was a close once!" Deuce says.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Ace replies.

While the two boys were talking, Grim was standing on Angel's shoulders, using her head as a support to lean on it, humming to himself, still happy at the fact that he finally achieved his dream.

"La la la la la! I'm a student at Night Raven College! La la la!" Grim sings, causing Angel to giggle at his childness. "I'm gonna be the top mage on campus in no time. Enjoy eating my dust boys!" He says to Ace and Deuce and Ace scoffs.

"Big words for a sentient pile of lint who's literally only half a student," Ace says, only for a smile to form on his face as he stares at both Grim and Angel. "Still...Good for you."

"I guess we're schoolmates now," Deuce says, causing the two to put their attention on him. "Grim, Angel- welcome to Night Raven."

Grim smirks as Deuce says that, relishing the fact that he is once again a student at Night Raven. Angel looks at the both of them and smiles brightly. "The pleasure is all mine! I hope that we'll be good friends then!"

Ace sighs as he recoils from her friendliness. "Okay, seriously, can we quit it with that stuff?"

Deuce smiles. "Heh. We'll be seeing each other all the time now. We'll see what a pleasure that turns out to be. Especially you, Ace, since we're in the same dorm."

"Wait, you guys are in the same dorm?" Angel asks the two. "How would you know that?"

"The armbands on our arms are the same color," Deuce explains, pointing his armband and Ace point at his in disappointment. "That means we're in the same dorm. Our magic pens show the same magical crystal color so that's another indicator as well."

"Yeaaaah, can't say I'm jazzed to see your smug, self-important scowl every day." Ace says with a sigh as Deuce explains to Angel.

"Better than your lazy, dopey grin," Deuce replies back at Ace.

"Keep bawling, crybaby. I haven't forgotten how you almost wept when he said you were expelled," Ace teases Deuce as he fumes at his statement.

"I did not cry!"

Ace and Angel laugh at Deuce while they continue walking to their way to the Mirror Chamber. As Ace and Deuce explains to Angel, the way to their dorms must go through a gate that leads to Heartslabyul, which is a region of the college for students of Heartslabyul for lodgings. They arrived at the gate after walking for a few minutes.

"Whelp, we're here," Ace says as he lets out a yawn. "Man, I'm tired. Can't wait to hit the sack. Catch ya later, Angel," Ace says his farewells as he steps into the mirror. Deuce gives her a small smile and follows after Ace, with Angel waving them goodbye.

"C'mon, Angel," Grim gets her attention by petting her head. "Let's get back to the dorm! I'm exhausted and hungry!" Angel agrees and the two head towards the way to their dorm.

As they are walking to the dorm in the dead of night, Grim and Angel were talking about their first day of school tomorrow, excitement bubbling up inside them. "Tomorrow, when we wake, it won't be as janitors!" Grim exclaims as Angel just laughs at him. She picks Grim off her head and held him in her arms, which he accepted as he starts to tremble from excitement. "Finally, finally...My glorious education as a proper Night Raven College student is about to begin!" He shouts as he sticks in paw in the air, with Angel cheering him on. He noticed this and looks up at the girl, who's staring at him as she walks. Grim thinks for a second before telling exclaiming at Angel. "Angel, you're going to be my first follower!"

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