🐙The Merchant from the Depths🐙 Chapter 9

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Later that day, Angel and Jack arrived at the Mostro Lounge, seeing that compared to when they went the day before, there were people sitting down in the seats, conversing with other students, eating and drinking, enjoying the atmosphere. Instead of hiding behind a corner like last time, the two only walk in, observing their surroundings as they take in the sights and sounds.

"Whoa," Angel says as she observes some Octavinelle students taking orders and delivering food and drinks to their customers, dressed in similar pant suits. "This place is kind of classy. It's hard to believe this is a bad place as the headmage described," she says, seeing a group of students happily laughing at one of the tables.

"Remember, you're in enemy territory here," Jack says, scanning the area around. "Stay sharp at all times." Angel only nods at him, trying look around for any information they can get.

"Eyyyy, Little Jellyfishy!" Floyd calls out, making the two look his way as he approaches the two. "Glad you could make it! I see you've got a sea urchin plus-one." Floyd eyes Jack standing next to her, glaring at him, but he didn't seem fazed by it.

"I told you not to call me that!" Jack exclaims angrily.

"Well, well. Thank you for coming to our establishment so promptly," Jade politely says, approaching the two. "Welcome to the Mostro Lounge. Is this your first-time dining here?"

Angel only looks around, seeing the students happily enjoying their time here while Jack only crosses his arms, looking at Jade. "Y'know, I've been wondering since lunch...Do you have a thing for askin' questions you already know the answers to?"

Jade chuckles at the question. "Heh, I like to keep my bases covered. Now then, if you would allow me to provide you with a rundown of our establishment..." Jade starts. "The Mostro Lounge is a meeting place for gentlemen, and lady for you, Angel. Any quarrels with other dorms are verboten here. Students from all dorms are expected to abide by Octavinelle rules on the premises. We pride ourselves on providing a place for everyone to enjoy under the same set of rules," Jade explains. The explanation only makes sense in Angel's mind. Since housewardens rule their own territories, it only make sense for each dorm to have their own sets of rules and regulations, and being with both Riddle and Leona only proved that theory. So far, it's understandable. "With that out of the way..." Jade says, breaking Angel's thoughts. "How may I assist you today?"

"Um...I'd like to speak with the manager," Angel quietly says, yet Jade and Floyd hear her nonetheless. Jade only smiles at her.

"Heh heh heh..." He chuckles, a sly smile on his face. "Very well. The manager is currently meeting with another patron. Could I ask you to wait in the lounge until such time as his schedule opens up? And lest I forget, our establishment has a one-drink minimum. You must order at least a single beverage of some variety." Jade explains, turning around to Deuce and Ace, holding trays. "Sea anemone, if you could take our esteemed customer's order?"

"Sorry, I've got drinks to run," Deuce says, holding a tray of empty glasses back to the kitchen.

"You do it! We're slammed over here!" Ace exclaims annoyed, holding a try of food to take to a table. "You keep making us do all the work while you're just sittin' pretty over there."

Jade only crosses his arms at the two, staring at them. "You're talking back to me? How impressively bold for a sea anemone." Suddenly, a squeaking sound is heard and the anemones on Ace and Deuce's head start moving, making both of them wince in pain.

"OWWW! Geez!" Ace exclaims.

"Quit tugging our anemones!" Deuce cries out.

"Azul tasked me with instructing the new staff, so it falls to me to instill proper discipline in those who fail to respect authority," Jade explains while the anemone keeps pulling the duo's heads.

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