🌟(EVENT STORY) Wish Upon a Star: Deuce's Star Collecting🌟

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Jack's Wish

"I wish to run faster than a sleigh pulled by a reindeer," Jack says as he holds the Wishing Star. The star only glows, taking in his wish.

"Huh?" Deuce and Grim asks, confused about the wish.

"Okay, so...You're from a cold place that's father north than the Shaftlands, right?" Deuce asks. "And just to be clear, you mean one of those things with skis on the bottom that people ride on in the snow?"

"Yeah," Jack answers.

"That's one weird wish..." Grim says.

"Why are you wishing for that?" Angel asks as Deuce takes the star from him.

"I spent my last holiday at home pulling a sleigh in wolf form, using my signature spell," Jack explains.

"But why?" Deuce asks.

"I was training to enhance my wolf form's strength and duration. I have to stay focused, or else I can de-shift without warning. Sometimes I have trouble mustering up much strength too."

"Oh yeah, I remember Professor Crewel talking about that," Deuce says, thinking about Crewel's description. "He said it requires extremely high-level magic to transform into another creature without the aid of a potion."

"That's right," Jack says. "And if I'm lucky enough to have a signature spell that lets me do it, I wanna hone it as best I can. So anyway, I was pulling a sleigh for training, and there's this reindeer in the area who's known for being real fast, so I asked 'em to race me to the top of a snowy mountain, and they beat me with a huge lead." He sighs.

"Ah, so that's where your wish is coming from," Deuce says.

"Just rememberin' the smug look on their face makes me wanna growl. Next time we race, I'm gonna win!" Jack says with a glare.

"I totally get that," Deuce nods in agreement. "I feel the same way whenever I lose a blastcycle race. I'm rooting for you, Jack! You show that reindeer what for!"

"Thanks!" Jack smiles.

"Sheesh...These Track Club people really gotta go fast," Grim mumbles.

Kalim's Wish

"I wish...for everyone to be happy!" Kalim happily says as he holds his Wishing Star. The star only glows as it takes in his wish.

"Really? That's all you wish for?" Deuce says in surprise.

"Is that weird?" Kalim asks.

"No, no, not at all," Deuce says. "I'm just a little surprised. No one else has made that wish yet, that's for sure."

"Hmm...." Kalim thinks. "Maybe I should've kept it to just the Scarabia students, but there's also my family, our staff, the people in the Scalding Sands, my teachers, my friends, the school ghosts...I tried counting all the people outside my dorm I wanted to be happy, but there were so many I gave up. So I just went with everyone! Guess that's kind of a cop-out, huh? Ahahahaha!" Kalim laughs.

"I wasn't talking about the scope, actually. I more meant the wish itself, but it's fine..." Deuce says as he takes the star.

"It IS weird!" Grim exclaims.

"Hey, I was trying to AVOID saying that! Don't just blurt it out!" Deuce tells Grim.

"If ya ain't usin' a wish for yourself, then what's the point?"

"But it IS for me," Kalim says. "When everybody else is happy, I'm happy too! So that means it benefits me, right?"

Grim and Deuce could only look at him in shock. "I think it's a wonderful wish," Angel tells him, trying not to allow Grim voice his complaints even further.

"Wow, what a compliment! Thanks, Angel!" Kalim says with a smile. "And good luck with the Starsending dance, Deuce. I'm looking forward to it! Jamil and I will be there to cheer you on."

"Oh, well...Thanks! I'll give it my best!"

Epel's wish

"My wish is...to grow taller," Epel says. The star only glows, taking in his wish.

"Huh? Why do you wanna get taller?" Grim asks.

"I've always thought big, brawny guys were cool," Epel answers. "So if I get taller, I'll be closer to that."

"Ah...Well, I guess being tall is enough to make some people look tough," Deuce says. "Is there anyone at school who's close to what you're thinking, Epel?"

"If I had to name someone...Probably Jack, from my class."

"Oh yeah, he's definitely over 190 centimeters tall. I'd say he fits the bill," Deuce states.

"And talk about brawny; that guy's practically a walking set of chiseled abs," Grim adds.

"Yeah. I actually asked him once what he did to get that tall," Epel says.

"What'd he say?" Angel asks.

"He said...'I don't know'," Epel sighs. "He explained he was pretty average height when he was a kid. Then after elementary school, he started getting growing pains in his legs, and practically overnight, he grew about as tall as he is now."

"I can only imagine how bad his growing pains were with a growth spurt that fast," Deuce says. "I remember when I started middle school, I used to wake up with terrible pain at night."

"I haven't experienced anything like that so far," Epel says. "So I'm hoping I've still got a growth spurt coming."

"I ain't been through nothin' like that either," Grim says. "Who knows? Maybe I'll wake up taller one of these days!"

Deuce only look at Grim. "You weren't human last I checked, Grim. You can't expect to grow the same way we do."

"Mrah?! Hey that ain't true! I'm sure I got more growin' to do!" He whines. "Just you wait, Deuce! I'll be towerin' over you one day! I'll do whatever it takes!"

"Heh heh," Epel chuckles. "I hope you can grow bigger too, Grim."

Silver's Wish

"I wish...for my father to have a long life," Silver says. The star only glows, taking in his wish.

"Oh, is your dad sick or something, Silver?" Deuce asks.

"No, far from it," he answers. "In fact, he works out every day. He does upside-down sit-ups from his bed canopy."

"He sounds super healthy to me!" Deuce exclaims. "So why the wish?"

"He may look healthy, but he's getting on in years...or at least, he should be. I think."

"You THINK?"

"He looks much younger than he actually is. I'm not sure of his actual age. He always skirts the question when I ask, but he raised me as a single father. I owe him everything," Silver says solemnly with a small smile. "I often find myself wishing he could live a very long happily ever after, and I haven't done anything to repay him for all that he's done for me. I'm not just going to leave this matter to the stars, of course. I'm going to do everything I can for him too."

The statement only shocks the others. "Wow, Silver..." Deuce says. "I totally feel you! My mom raised me a single parent too. I know she's had her share of hard times...so I just want her to be happy now. I'd love for her to live a long life."

"So, you understand my situation..." Silver ponders.

"Uh, sorry," Deuce apologizes. "A Stargazer's supposed to listen to other people's wishes, but here I am, talking about my own."

Silver slightly smiles. "Please, don't apologize. We'll both do our part to make sure our wishes come true."

"Absolutely! And I'll make sure to hang your Wishing Star in a nice, secure spot on the big tree!"

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