🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 26

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A/N: I added the last AN but forgot to do this AN: idk how to describe fight scenes so I hope guys bare with me for this chapter. I'll go back and change things when I'm not busy!

As the fight continues, the group found out that their spells aren't hitting Leona, with them bouncing off in every direction. The boys could only grit their teeth at the sight, frantically trying to find a way they could stop the sandstorm and save everyone.

"If you have that much power, why do this?!" Riddle shouts, deflecting a spell that Leona sent.

"'Why?' What do you care, kid? You gonna scold me? Try to talk me down? Rabbit over there tried to do that and look how she ended up," Leona says as he points at Angel, who only groans and tries to scream in pain, but she can't. Everyone only looks at the scene, their desperation rising as they look at both Angel and Ruggie, who's about to lose some body parts because of the sandstorm. "Don't you get it? Power alone ain't enough to make waves in this world. Look at Ruggie here. He's like a muzzled dog. Pathetic, ain't it? Hard not to pity him."

"Urrr....ggghhhh...." Ruggie groans.

"That's enough!" Jack shouts. "Unleash the Beast!" A flash of light appears and Jack, who was once a human, turned into a giant silver wolf, with a while tail with black at the end. Everyone only looks at him in surprise at his new form, his glare towards Leona, who is surprised as well.

"What just-" Riddle exclaims.


"Whoa, what just-GAH!" Leona exclaims, only for his focus to break, in which Riddle noticed.

"He broke Leona's concentration! Off With Your Head!" Riddle shouts, the heart shaped collar ending up on Leona.

"GAAAAAH!" Leona shouts as the collar is around his neck. With the collar, the sandstorm starts to dissipate, the sand disappearing and everything returning to normal. Angel and Ruggie could only gasp and cough at the fact that the sand is finally gone, recovering from the damage that happened.

"That was beautiful, Riddle!" Cater compliments while Riddle only looks at Leona, keeping an eye on the collar. "You stopped Leona's magic cold!"

"And he let go of Angel and Ruggie! This way, quickly!" Deuce says, the group head towards Angel and Ruggie, the freshman heading towards the girl and the rest getting Ruggie, bringing both of them away from Leona. The Savanaclaw students only followed, heading away from Leona and joining the rest.

"Sebek, let's get the wounded somewhere safe," the silver haired boy told Sebek.

"Do not presume to order me around, Silver!" Sebek says angrily, moving the Savanaclaw students to the safety. Silver and Lilia join in, with Lilia trying to move Ruggie and Angel away from the scene, but the two of them rejected their help, mainly trying to look at Leona. Lilia only looks at the two for a moment, before watching Silver and Sebek tend to the other students. Jack turns back into his normal form, joining the group, trying to check up on the two as well.

"No...NO! You can't collar a lion!" Leona shouts, angrily at the turn of events. "And Jack! How did you...Transformation potions are forbidden! Where did you get that?"

Jack glares at Leona. "I didn't use a potion-that's my signature spell. With it I can transform myself into a wolf," he explains.

Leona only laughs at Jack's explanation. "Ha! What's that saying? Every dog has his day? Well I guess you had yours!" Angel could only see the tip of Leona's head left from being covered by the shadow.

"Housewarden Leona, I want you to know...I only came to this school because of how much I admired you! What happened to the man you used to be?" Jack yells.

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