🐙The Merchant from the Depths🐙 Chapter 38

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A/N: who here know about suffering??? Because I sure do! This book is almost complete (more to come in another book!) but the next book won't be available until early august-mid august! I need to write the side stories but with a major test coming up, exams for online class on the way, family reunions, and application deadlines due, I'm going to take a brief hiatus in order to clear that stuff out of the way before starting book 4! All I need to is write the side stories (imma keep it short to about 3-4 this time compared to the 10 I wrote between book 2 and 3) and this book will be officially done! The event story is also written (my poor fingers and eyes 😭) and will be posted next Saturday (July 22nd)! The finale is also written and will be posted on the 19th, just let me add a few tweaks to it. Anyway, that is a lot I know but do know that the story will continue. Just let me survive 🥲. 7/15/23

GO TEAM 🍓!!!

Angel slowly wakes up, eyes fluttering as she looks at a ceiling, a familiar ceiling with the familiar smell of antiseptic. Am I in the infirmary again? She thinks and she glances around, feeling that there were needles pricking her skin and a weight on her chest, along with a familiar stand beside her beside her, but found out that there was something else, a tall man that Angel knew. "...Dad?" She quietly speaks, getting Crewel's attention, and he heard her, looking at her with a small smile.

"I'm glad that you're finally awake, Angel," he says as he helps her sit up, and she noticed that Grim was on her chest, which could explain why she felt a little suffocated, and that with her shifting around, Grim fell off, falling on her legs which woke him up with a jolt.

"Mrrow...what's the big idea...?" He groggily asks as he looks at Angel staring at him. Tears start to form in his eyes as he only hugs her chest. "Ah! Angel, you're finally awake! We thought you died! You just fainted out of nowhere and Jack said that you were barely breathin' and...and..."

"I'm okay, Grim," Angel says as she holds a hand to her head, trying to remember everything that happened. "Just a bit disoriented."

"And you should be," Crewel states. "Imagine my surprise when Crowley came to me to tell me about you heading to the infirmary, barely breathing, and worse thing, have marks on your body like you were attacked. Those dogs will pay for what they did," he angrily says as Angel only sweat drop at him. "And don't think that you are off the hook, young lady," he says. "You should have told me about Ashengrotto and the twins and this whole situation would have not occurred in the first place. I did have some choice words for Crowley for the request he made at you but imagine my surprise when I had to hear about the deal you made from the fresh pups instead!"

Angel could only awkwardly chuckle at his anger. "It's quite fine. I mean everything worked out."

"You say that, but they aren't getting severely punished for this!" Crewel exclaims. "Maybe I should change their exam scores and make them repeat a grade. That will give them time to think on their actions."

"I think that's abusing your authority," Angel comments.

"Heh heh heh...Give it to 'em!" Grim excitedly says to Crewel.

"No Grim! Don't encourage that!" Angel exclaims.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything too drastic," Crewel says to reassure her. "Maybe give them a little extra homework during winter break, but aside from that, that's it. I just want those sneaky dogs to learn their lesson."

"Aha ha ha..." Angel quietly chuckles, hoping that Crewel only meant that. She looks to her side and see that monitors were on, tracking her vitals and other information. "How long was I out this time?"

"That's the weird thing, you weren't out for long," Grim says as he looks at her. "Only two days."

"Two days?" Angel repeats. "It felt like a slept for a week."

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