🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 25

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"Aaaagh..." Ruggie groans as he kneels on the ground, clutching his body in pain.

"Gwaaaaah!" The Savanaclaw students exclaim in pain, with the group only trying heading towards where Angel is only to fail as they look around them to see the students experiencing pain within the center of the sandstorm.

"What?! My nose is dryin' out...M-my eyes hurt!" Grim says as he tries to rub the sand out of his eyes. Everyone could only try to cover their faces, trying to prevent sand from getting in their eyes.

Jack only looks around franticly. "Everything the housewarden touched is turning into sand?!"

Leona only looks at the group of boys unamused. "That's my signature spell. "The King's Roar." He says as he walks towards the group, stopping a few feet in front of Angel. "Ironic, ain't it? Nothin' the savanna hates more than a drought, yet its prince's magic desiccates everything-reduces it to sand."

Ruggie only struggles to go towards Leona. "B-boss...It huuuurts...!" He gaps, trying to speak but it only becomes harder to speak. His arm starts to crack, making everyone look at him in surprise.

"Ruggie's arm! The skin is cracking!" Deuce says as he look's at Ruggie.

"Your spell can legit dry out a HUMAN BEING?!" Ace says as he watches Ruggie then look at Angel, who also suffering from the same spell. "Angel, get out of there!" Ace shouts, but she couldn't move, with her head throbbing in pain and the sandstorm affecting her, she couldn't even stand up.

"Leona, I cannot allow this to continue!" Riddle urgently says as he aims his scepter at Leona. "Off With Your Head!" The spell shot towards Leona, which only fails as it bounces away, making everyone look at him in shock.

"Myah?! Riddle's collar bounced right off!" Grim states.

"Maybe you're some kind of prodigy, kid," Leona says to Riddle with a smirk, "but don't go thinkin' you're smarter than your elders. I aced my Protective Magic classes in my sleep."

"Tch!" Riddle groans, trying to prevent the sandstorm from getting to his face, but also trying to keep an eye on Angel, who's near Leona, her throat drying up. She only holds her hands to her neck, clutching in pain.

"Hah! How do you like that Ruggie?" Leona laughs as he looks at Ruggie suffering. "Does it hurt? Is your mouth too dry to keep licking my boot? That was your finest talent, too."


"S-stop....this....." Angel says through the pain, her lungs even drying up with the sandstorm that Leona caused. Leona only looks at the girl, a smirk on his face as he walks towards her, grabbing her face to make her look at him.

"Who's the coward now? With that mouth of yours dryin' up, I don't have to hear from you anymore, rabbit, and I think I rather keep it that way," Leona says with a smirk as Angel only groans with pain, trying to find the words to say, but it only hurts to even think of anything to say.

The group could only look on in horror at both Ruggie and Angel being dried up by the sandstorm. "If we don't stop him, Ruggie and Angel's gonna...!" Jack exclaims, making everyone look at the two. Jack's ears twitch, making him look at Angel as she tries to whispers out words that only he could make out.

"P-please...s-stop...hi...." She whispers out and glances at him, and Jack understood. He looked towards the group.

"We have to stop him, now," he says, and everyone only look at Leona, who's still cupping the girl's face. He looks at the group, who only glare at him and prepare their pens, ready to fight. He only smirks at the group, letting his hand go, making Angel fall to the ground as her only form of support leaves her. Leona pulls out his pen, and sent spells flying, making the group thrown off with his speedy casting, and as they collect themselves, they send their spells flying towards him, but with his protective spells, he was able to make the spells bounce off, hitting nothing as the group only grit their teeth, trying to find a way to stop Leona's signature spell.

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