Prologue Chapter 14

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While getting deeper in the mine, the four finds a spot to rest to catch their breaths. Ace let go on Angel's wrist so he would wipe the sweat off his brows while Deuce continues to look around for any more ghosts. Grim is panting from his running and Angel pants hard from, again, the amount of exercise she was brought into. It was hard to catch up to Ace with his wide strides and the fact that she had to match his speed made it more exhausting than usual. I need to work...on my stamina...After resting for only a few seconds, more ghosts pop up, laughing at the four as they get ready to run again.

"More ghosts?! They're floating around here too!" Ace says, panting.

Deuce around him. "If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere. Let's just keep moving."

Ace groans. "Sure, but don't act like we voted you the team leader. The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled."

"Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!" Deuce snaps back.

"So we're bringing up ancient history now?" Ace says angrily. "Then if you wanna get down to brass tracks, this all started when furball torched that statue!"

"Myah?! Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of me, then!" Grim replies. Angel sweat dropped at the interaction and starts to rub her head, feeling a headache coming along.

"Guys! We're in real hot water, remember?!" Deuce reminds the two. "If we don't come back with a magestone by morning, we're all being expelled."

'Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around. It gets old real fast." Ace says with a glare.

Angel had to step in before the situation escalates. "Guys, lets all calm down her-" Angel stops, mid-sentence and the guys stare at her. She looks around with a concerned expression on her face. "Wait...I just heard a sound just now..."


"Huh?!" The boys react, eyes wide.

"Wh-where's that comin' from?" Ace asks quietly, trying to get know where the sound is coming from.


"Sounds's getting closer..." Deuce says.

As the four of them in front of them, they see a creature emerge from the darkness. The creature was black, tall, and big ghost, wearing what seems to be a red tattered shirt, and holding in its hands was a lantern in his right hand and a pickaxe in his left. Its head was a glass vial, with black liquid squishing inside it, and on top of its head was a small brown hat. The creature had no eyes, but the four got a feeling that it was still staring at them, waiting for their next move. The creature opens in mouth, groaning, but clearly saying, "Stooooooonesss......Stoooooonesss aaaare miiiiiiine!"

"BWAH! THERE IT IS!" Everyone exclaims in shock at the monster, and starts running away from it, with Ace grabbing Angel's wrist again since he was closer to her. After running back towards the entrance of the mine, they transition to walk while looking behind them, making sure the monster didn't follow them.

"What is that?!" Deuce says in disbelief.

"Myaah! No one said there'd be monsters! Let's get outta here!" Grim screams as he starts to run again.

"That thing's super creepy! But didn't it say something about 'stones'?!" Ace states, making everyone look at him.

"Wait what?!" Grim says, looking back and seeing the monster again.

"Stooooonesss....neevvvva give stoooooonesss....!"

"So there are still magestones here!" Deuce yells

"Myaah..." Grim says with a crack in his voice, shaking in fear. "Even as a master sorcerer, I...I don't think I can take that thing down!"

"But we need a magestone or we'll get expelled!" Deuce says determined. "I'm going in!"

"Are you outta your mind?!" Ace yells at Deuce.

"You can't do that Deuce! It's too dangerous!" Angel yells at Deuce, concern in her voice.

"I won't be expelled! No matter what!" Deuce says as he goes towards the monster, magic pen at ready.

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