🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 29

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A/N: HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO EVERYONE! I'm posting this at like 3am because as I said like 3...(?) chapters before today will be a party day for me so I'll be out celebrating the end of my school semester! Also! The side stories are officially finish and I will be starting writing book 3 this weekend! And also also: GO TEAM COURAGE!!!! LETS WIN THIS SPLATFEST!!!!

Grim heads towards the headmage, excitement in his voice. "Hey, Headmage! We caught your guy! You know what that means...Time to cough up the reward you promised!" Grim says with a smirk.

"What?" Crowley asks, only for him to look away, remembering the terms of the assignment. "Ohhh.....I did promise you that, didn't I? But it's far too late. The tournament brackets have already been announced. What to do...?" Crowley says quietly, trying to look away from Grim.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" Grim exclaims. "You wretched, backstabbin' swindler! I am gonna make it rain fire, you liar! MYAAAAAAAH!" Grim says as he starts to breath in, preparing a fireball.

Crowley only quickly tries to reassure Grim. "Stop, please! Restrain yourself for a moment! I will...come up with something. Uh..." Crowley says as he looks around, trying to think of a solution. "Ah! I've got it!" He exclaims suddenly. "What would you say to playing in a special exhibition match? If it were held before the tournament itself, it wouldn't interfere with anything. And the eyes of the world would be squarely on you!"

"On me?!" Grim says excitedly.

"B-but of course!"

"Well, so long as I'm the center of attention, I guess that will do," Grim says with a smirk. "This'll be great! After the scouts see me kickin' tail on TV, they'll be swarmin' all over me!" Grim cheers.

Angel thinks quietly for a moment. "But Spelldrive teams need seven players...How do you plan to fill out our team?" She asks Crowley, tiredness in her voice.

"The other players..." Crowley thinks. "Ah, right. And we'll need an opposing team as well. Perhaps we could cobble one together out of the faculty members..." He mumbles.

"Myah?! You haven't given this any thought at all!" Grim says.

"Hey, so, couldn't help overhearing..." Ace speaks up, making everyone look at Ace and Deuce, smirks on their faces.

"If you need some teammates, we could help you out," Deuce finishes, shocking everyone.

"What are you doing? You're members of Heartslabyul," Riddle states to the freshmen.

"There's no tournament rule that says we can't play for another dorm's team," Ace says.

Trey only laughs at Ace's explanation, thinking for a moment. "Ha! He's right! I guess no one thought that would ever happen, so no one ever wrote it down."

"Ooh, now this sounds totes fun! I wanna be on teacup's team too!" Cater says as he puts his arm around Angel, making her buckle a little on the weight.

"B-but you're an actual member on our team!" Riddle exclaims.

"Oh. Poo," Cater pouts, sad at the fact he won't join Angel's team.

"I didn't go through all that just to sit back 'n cheer for you guys. If I'm getting the chances, I wanna play!" Ace determinedly says.

"I'm not like him, okay?! I just want to have my friends' back!" Deuce hurriedly says, trying not to let his true intentions show.

"If you need someone to play against, Savanaclaw will be happy to help," Jack speaks up, with Ruggie releasing his spell on Leona, and Leona only holding his head and sighing at the effort.

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