Prologue Chapter 4

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As the two approaches the library, Angel becomes lost in thought about what the mirror said. She wraps her head around the idea that she must go through trials, but what could those trials be about? She's just a girl who can't remember much about her past, suddenly waking up in a coffin with a cat trying to kill her as soon as she woke up. How could she just be part of a prophecy when she doesn't barely know who or what she is to begin with?

The doors to the library open and Angel looks up. She sees that the library was the exact room she went to when she was escaping from Grim, with the shelves tall with books, tables and chairs strewn around, and books floating in the air. The only difference in the matter was the fact that the library this time is brighter and well lit, letting her see all of its glory. As she wonders around the library, looking around in awe, Crowley heads towards a certain section, flipping through books. When she spots Crowley looking at books, she sees that the section says, "World Geography" and sees books and globes around. She picks up a book from the shelve and inspects the title. "The Geography of the Coral Sea: The Dangers of the Aquatic Waves," the book says. She puts the book back from where it came and looked around looking for another book to grab. She pulled out another book, with the title, "Rules of Geography of the Queendom of Roses." She curiously opens the book and skims through the contents in silence.

After a few minutes of the sound of flipping pages, Crowley speaks up, exhausted from his search. "Just as I'd suspected. Nothing. It seems that your home is not mentioned on any map from any point of history of on the globe of the entirety of Twisted Wonderland. Are you QUITE sure you come from such a place?" He looks to Angel for an answer. "Because if so, the only explanation is that you've come from another planet. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?"

Angel takes a few moments to close her eyes and think about the question Crowley asked her. There's no way she would think that her home is from another planet or dimension, there's no way. She continues to think about her home and remember her surroundings. She remembers green grass, a blue sky with clouds scattered about, a small house within a bustling town, but that's it. From what she remembers, it's really not that different from another town that she remembers. She opens her eyes and stares at Crowley. "I really don't think I come from another planet, let alone another dimension. Where I come from is nothing different of a bustling town," she answers.

"Show me everything that you brought here with you. Do you have any form of identification, a driver's license perhaps? Or even a...shoe? You do seem a tad bit...empty-handed?" Crowley asks.

Angel looks at her outfit, trying to find something about herself on her person at least. She pats down on the robe that's looking a little worse for wear from being used as an impromptu fire extinguisher just a few minutes earlier. She moves her hands across, attempting to look for at least pockets on the robe, but her sleeves fell over her hands, making her only touch the sleeves. With slight annoyance in her face, she rolls up the sleeves and continue her search for pockets. She finds a fold in her robe, putting her hand in it, her face brightening up with hope, but then falls short when she feels nothing inside of it. She looks at Crowley and shakes her head, dejectedly. "As you said, I've got nothing to prove my identity. I only remember my name and the place I can from. That's it."

Crowley puts his hand on his chin. "Well, this is quite the predicament. I cannot have someone with no aptitude for magic bumbling about my magic academy, and yet, as an educator, I am loathe to expel a young lady without a cent to her name, or any ability to contact their guardian...Truly, my grace is boundless."

I should be glad I'm not going to sleep in the streets...right? Angel looks at Crowley in nervousness.

"Hmmmmm....Ah!" Crowley exclaims. "There is a vacant building on this campus! It was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago. With proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough. Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being." He says with a closed-eye smile on his face. "In the meantime, we will investigate other ways to send you home. Dear me, but I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say!" He continues, boasting himself while Angel stares at him awkwardly, but glad nonetheless that she doesn't have to sleep out in the cold streets.

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