🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Finale

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Angel's eyes start twitching, slowly opening them to see an occupied bed in front of her. She looks at the bed for a moment, wondering what happened when she remembered the events that happened: Leona had overblot, she was sent to the nurse's office because a Spelldrive disk hit her in the head, she woke up to talk with the others, and she saw Leona's nephew. After that, she fell unconscious again, this time it was because of the cracks on her body. She tries to sit up, but fails, feeling a bit weak to use her arms as she only just sighs, looking at the bed in front of her. How long was I out this time...? She thinks as she looks at person laying in the bed, who turns around faces her, and Angel sees familiar brown hair, with two braids in the front. "Leona...?" She whispers, trying to make sense of the situation.

Leona's ears twitch, making him open his eyes as he looks at Angel staring at him. He sits up and sigh, scratching his head. "Ugh, you woke me up," he says groggily. Angel only look away, feeling embarrassed at the fact that she was loud to wake him up. She didn't mean to say it that loud to wake him up. Beastmen sure are a different breed of people... "Ya okay there, rabbit?" Leona asks as he stands up, yawning, bringing Angel out of her thoughts.

"Ah, y-yeah," she replies, not really expecting Leona of all people to ask that question. "Um, Leona, do you know how long I was out?" She cautiously asks.

Leona only look at her and sighs. "The Spelldrive tournament was two days ago. Ruggie and Jack told me you've went unconscious again when I came back from dealing with the brat."

"Ahh....one day shorter than before," she mumbles and sighs. This needs to stop happening. That's a lot of schoolwork to catch up with!

Leona only watches her as she sighs. "Get up, rabbit," he says and Angel only look at him confused. "I'm not goin' to talk to someone who won't sit up and look at me properly," he states and Angel only nods at him. She attempts to try and sit up, only effectively getting to her elbows, but falls on the bed again, making Leona sigh as he helps her up. "Such an annoyin' rabbit..." he mumbles.

Once Angel sat up in the bed, she sees that the nurse's office was empty, aside from the two of them and that the sun was setting outside, so that two-day window almost became three days. She sighs at the time. And here I thought it wouldn't be three days. She looks to Leona, who only glares at her, making her flinch at the look. "Um, yes, Leona? You keep glaring at me...?"

"You're really stupid, you know that right?"

"...Huh?" Angel asks, processing the unexpected remark about her.

"Out of all people, you came up to me when I was could kill you and yet, you're here you are, waking up like a newborn cub, no worries in the world," Leona says with a sigh, holding his hand to his head. "You're a very stupid rabbit. You wouldn't survive five minutes in the savanna."

Angel thinks back to when he overblotted. Well...he's not wrong...She thinks as she remembers heading towards Leona when he was barely restrained. "But," he continues, getting her attention, "I guess you weren't that stupid to know what to do, so I'm going to say this once: thanks." He says and Angel just looks at him in shock. 'Thanks' was not a word she would expect to hear in Leona's vocabulary.

"I...only did what was right," she said, still stunned at the thanks from Leona of all people.

"What you said stuck to me," Leona says to her. "All this time, I've been livin' in my brother's shadow. The thought of wantin' to be king was in my mind because I just thought that I would be better than him at it. After thinkin' about it, I just gave up on it, knowin' that it was worthless to try. I'm done hidin' behind his shadow." Angel's eyes widened at Leona's statement and he smirks. "All this time, you've been calling me pathetic, a coward, and childish, well, I'm gonna show you that I'm the proud lion I am, doin' things on my own terms and my way, got it?" Leona says to her, in which she just looks at him.

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