✨Side Story 4: A Garden Disaster✨

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As Angel sits in the lounge doing homework, she stares at the vase from the nurse's office. She sees that the flowers are wilting, the leaves slowly dying as each day passes. She's been changing the water each day from what the ghosts told her, but eventually she knew they wouldn't last for long. She looks through the window and see a small empty patch of land with dark soil. She thinks about the patch of land for moment, making Adam hover over her in concern.

"What's wrong? You stopped writing," Adam asks her and she only blinks.

"Well, I was thinking about probably starting a garden," Angel answers, still looking at the patch of land. "Thinking about how vibrant Heartslabyul's garden was make me considered it, but just some simple flowers would do, not a whole hedge maze.""You knoooow," Benny comes along the two. "There is a garden here, but it hasn't been used in a while..."

"About 40 years in fact," Casper says as he pops up, finishing the sentence. Angel only looks at them.

"There was? It sure doesn't seem that way."

"Why yes! There's one in the backyard of all things!" Casper happily says, hovering over to the back door in the lounge. "Would you like to see it?"

Angel nods and the ghosts lead her to the backyard. When they arrived to a patch of land, Angel is shocked to see it overgrown with weeds. They weren't kidding when they said it haven't been used. Luckily the weeds, weren't as high enough but it at reached above over her ankles, and when Angel tried to pull some out, she only fell on her butt, looking at the loose strands she was able to pull out. She sighed and got up, with the ghosts watching her struggle.

"It's been so unmangeable that even we can't clean it properly," Adam says, sighing. "It's too much for us ghosts to do."

Angel thought about the field for a second. "Couldn't Grim just burn the weeds down?"Benny shakes his head. "If we do that, there's a chance that flowers or crops wouldn't grow with the firepower Grim has."

Angel only sighs. "So the only thing to do is the pull out the weeds, huh?"

The ghosts only nod sadly at the girl. Angel looks at the field and thinks for moment. She did catch up to the work she missed and went over some lessons for the next classes, so she does have time to try and pull the weeds out, but won't be able to finish by herself today at least. The ghosts look at her and know what she's thinking.

"If you want help," Adam says, "we can try to help you pull the weeds."

"Yeah. It'll give us that missing feeling," Casper happily says.

Angel looks at them with a smile. "Oh really? That would be great!"

"There's an old shed around here," Casper says as he looks around the backyard. "Ah! There it is!" He hovers over to the shed the goes inside. Angel only follows him as he looks around. She sees a bunch of rusty tools and items, worn down from either wear and tear or just from not being used for so long. She sees a bunch of handheld tools, which she assumes is gardening tools.

"Aha!" Casper exclaims, holding a pair of fabric. "Here are the gardening gloves that I couldn't find 10 years ago! I knew they were in here!" Casper hands Angel the gloves. "They aren't really effective, but it might help with your hands."

Angel takes the gloves and put them on, making a frown at how the fabric scratches her hands. It felt so coarse and rough on her skin that it mentally hurt to move her fingers while they were in the gloves. She only sighed and gave Casper a smile, thankful for the gloves at least. "With this, maybe it'll be easier to pull the weeds out."

The two join back with the other ghosts and start working. With the coarse gardening gloves, Angel was able to get a better grip on the weeds, pulling them out with ease. The ghosts followed suit, able to pull what they could as the time goes by. After about two hours, the field was cleared of weeds, thanks to the four working together. As Angel takes the gardening gloves off her hands, the ghosts tell her some instructions for the next day, including looking for a gardening book and getting some starer flowers to plant. She mentally notes the requests and head inside, getting dinner ready.

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