Prologue Chapter 6

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After a few minutes to giving directions and blowing fireballs, the ghosts eventually got scared of the duo in front of them, hovering back away from them.

"Let's get out of here before we're burned into ashes!" the chubby ghost said.

"We'll leave you alone for now, but we will get you next time!" The medium ghost said next.

"Until next time!" The skinny ghost exclaimed before all three of them disappeared, leaving Grim and Angel to catch their breaths.

"We...we....we did it," Grim says panting.

"We did... it" Angel repeats.

After a while of processing the situation, both of them looked at each other and smiled. "WE DID IT!" Both exclaim cheerfully at the same time.

Angel picks up Grim and hugged him from behind. "I can't believe that worked!"

"Never been so scared for my- I mean, yeah! Those ghosts didn't stand a chance! They know what's comin' for them next time they see us!" Grim exclaims happily as he's being hugged, only to try and struggle free from Angel's grasp.

"I am here, your gracious host to bring you some dinner for your troubles!" A voice booms from behind them, shocking the duo from their little celebration. When Angel turned around, she sees Crowley behind her, with a basket which she assumes is food from what he announced.

Crowley looks at Angel, then lands his eyes at the creature in her arms, eyes widen in surprise then anger.

"You! You're that creature who caused orientation to become a mess! What are you doing back here? I thought you were excused off the premises!" Crowley yells at Grim, only for Grim to yell back.

"Well, it's not like I can't come back again after you kicked me out! Plus, with me, we solved your little ghost problem here!" Grim says with a smirk on his face.

"Miss Angel," Crowley says ignoring Grim and looking at her. "Why did you bring this creature with you in here?"

Angel holds Grim closer to her chest while Grim huffs. "Well, it was raining, and it didn't seem right for me to leave him out there without anything, so I let him stay here," she says, nervously looking at him. "Besides, he did help with the ghost problem at least."

"Ghost problem?" Crowley asks, putting a hand on his chin in thought. "Ah, I think I do recall the dorm being vacant because of some ghosts that caused problems for the tenants."

So, he knew even when I asked if there was anything to worry about... Angel sweat dropped, remembering the answer he gave to her question earlier.

"But we handle the ghosts no problem!" Grim sad confidently while folding his arms. "The human didn't do much, but it was easy for me."

"I didn't do anything?" Angel looks down at Grim with a questioning look. "I gave you instructions on where the ghosts were!"

"Hmmm...." Crowley hums, absorbing this new information and the duo looks at him. "You're telling me that both you and this creature worked together to solve the ghost problem plaguing this dorm?"

Angel looks at him, confused. "Yeah. Is it not normal?"

Crowley observes the two then smiles mischievously at them.

"Then would you mind demonstrating your skills, hm?" He asks.

The duo is taken aback by this sudden request, then Grim looks at Crowley in anger.

"Demonstrating? Didn't ya hear us? We already cleared the ghosts. Even if we could do it, there's no one to attack or exterminate."

"Oho, which is why I got this," Crowley reaches into his cloak and pulled out a small vial. There yellow liquid in it, swishing around the small bell bottomed flask. Angel looks on it in curiosity.

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