🌹The Rose Red Tyrant🌹 Chapter 4

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While Ace and Angel were painting roses, Deuce and Grim released spell after spell changing the roses.

"Red...Red...BAM! Wh-Whoa! It turned blue?!" Deuce exclaimed with his blue roses on the tree.

"Change, o foul color! Change! AHA!" Grim releases his spell and the rose caught on fire instead, the blue flames scorching the innocent roses. "BWAH! The rose caught on fire!" Grim says as he tries to pat the flames off the rose.

Ace and Angel stood at a distance, watching the duo use their magic to try to change the roses red. They both painted 5 trees by themselves while the other duo was just starting to get the hang of it, only to start fumbling near the end, probably due to exhaustion. "They're starting to suffer a little, aren't they?" Ace asks Angel while Angel chuckles at them awkwardly. "They are trying they're best," she responds, sweat dropping at their spells.

"Red...Red....BAM! Agh! It's purple!" Deuce says as he tries to repeat his spell again.

"YAH! I made one yellow!" Grim exclaims.

"Wow, you're even less competent than I thought," Cater tells Deuce and Grim and sneaks up between Ace and Angel, with him standing on the other side of Angel, making Ace have an annoyed look on his face at the upperclassman.

"Yo, maybe you should just leave the roses white! They look perfectly pretty 'n stuff to me," Ace tells Cater, still annoyed at the fact that he snuck a look under Angel's skirt earlier.

Cater looks at Ace as says with his eyes closed. "It's a matter of tradition." He opens his eyes and look at both Ace and Angel. "You can't have an unbirthday party without the roses being red. And you can't play croquet without seven-colored flamingos as mallets and a hedgehog for a ball. Oh, but of course, the roses need to be white when the garden flowers put on their spring concert. That's absolutely crucial."

Angel holds her head at Cater's explanation, half hurting from hearing the description, and half excited from the thought of seeing flamingos and hedgehogs in not just one color, but seven different colors.

Grim overhears and sighs. "All your rules are completely insane!" He says with his paws over his chest, as he finishes up the tree him and Deuce were working on.

"They say the Queen of Hearts made up these rules herself- she was one of the great Seven, you know. And Riddle is all about tradition. Probably more than previous housewardens, T-B-H. I'll admit that he's, well...a bit extra," he says while looking at the collar around Ace's neck.

"Yeah, no kidding. I sure don't have time for this nonsense. Is Riddle here? I gotta talk to him," Ace says as he looks around, searching for Riddle.

"Yeah, probably," Cater answers. "But are you sure that's wise? Did you even bring an apology tart to replace the one you ate?" He asks.

"An apology tart?" Angel asks, thinking about it more clearly. "Ah, now that I think about it, it would make sense to replace something you stole huh...?" She says quietly. Cater smiles at her understanding.

"Uh...no..? I came here first thing in the morning!" Ace tells Cater who just chuckles awkwardly at his answer.

"Ah ah ah.... That could be a problem," Cater says, shaking his head. "Have you forgotten rule 53? 'Stolen items must be replaced.' If you're not in compliance, I can't let you in." Cater says, shocking both Ace and Angel.

"Are you serious?!" Ace exclaims.

"Isn't that a bit extreme to be prohibited from entering the dorm?" Angel asks quietly while Cater gives them both a sad smile.

"All dorm residents must obey the rules. If I let you slide, it would be off with my head next! I hate to say it Ace, but I'm gonna need you to leave before Riddle spots you. Thanx."

"No way..." Angel mumbles as both of them is stunned by the sudden development.

"I...think this guy is for real..."

Deuce and Grim approaches them and overheard the conversation between the three. Ace notices them and looks towards them. "You guys, do something!"

"Why should WE do anything?" Deuce snaps.

"C'mon please! I can't use magic! Hurry, he's- "

Cater starts launches spells towards the four, making them panic. With Ace and Angel unable to use magic, Deuce and Grim had to step up and shoot spells back at Cater, causing him to dodge some of their attacks while the spells that hit, didn't do much damage. As they shoot spells at Cater, they are instantly pushed back by Cater's spells coming from all directions. Angel notices that there won't be an end to the spells and decided that even with Deuce and Grim's magic, they won't be able to overtake someone who's 2 years higher than them. "Guys, we have to leave," Ace says and Deuce and Grim look at each other and nodded. They start walking backwards while Cater walks towards them, keeping an eye on the four of them. When Ace thought that there was an opening to escape the spells and head towards Cater, his plan was cut short by a spell, keeping him with the quartet, moving back towards the mirror gate. Once Cater sees that his targets are in the right position, he stops his attacks, making the quartet look at him confused. He smiles as them as he says, "Do make sure you bring that tart next time, m'kay? Buh-bye now!" As he used magic to prevent the quartet from entering the premises. Angel noticed that Cater turns around, waving them goodbye while throwing a wink in her direction, with Angel looking at disbelief in the situation that just occurred.

"Was that guy for real?!" Ace says with his hands on hips, still in disbelief.

"We hit him over and over, but he just kept coming. Maybe he was using some kind of illusion magic?" Deuce mumbles and Angel overhears. It did seem like he was taking damage...but how?

"So lemme get this straight," Ace says as he thinks about the situation. "We walked in there, totally tartless, but this dude still made us so that whole song and dance before throwing us out? He just wanted to make us paint his stupid roses!" Ace says, annoyed by the face that he was used.

"We sure look like a bunch of chumps," Grim says as Angel picks him up and hold him against her chest.

"I guess we'll just have to get an apology tart and come back. Maybe after class, we can-" Deuce yells as he finishes his sentence, causing the three to look at him in concern. "Oh no!"

"What's wrong?" Angel says, while Deuce is looking at his watch.

"We already missed the first bell! We're gonna be late for class!" He exclaims, causing the three of them to panic.

"Myah! I don't wanna get a blemish on the first day of my glorious Night Raven education! Shake a leg, chumps! To the classroom, pronto!" Grim says as everyone starts running, with Grim in Angel's arms.

"Hey, so what class you guys in, anyway?" Ace asks. "You're freshmen too, right?"

"The Headmage said we're in Class 1-A!" Grim responds, trying to make Angel go faster to reach their class.

"Hey. That's the same one I'm in. We got Potionology for first period," Deuce says looking at the duo.

"Oh ho, yeah! That sounds awesome!" Grim says with his paws in the air, both enjoying the ride of being carried and excited at the fact that they have potionolgy class first.

"M-maybe I don't need magic for that?" Ace says quietly and Angel overhears.

"I'm sure we won't be using magic for the first day...right?" She asks nervously and she and Ace share a glance and sighs, getting ready for their magicless first day together.

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