🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 3

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Once classes were over, the four headed to the headmage's office, talking about what he would want with the four of them. Once they arrived at the door, Deuce knocked on it. "Headmage, may we come in?" Crowley only nods as the four slowly walks in and sit down.

"How's it going, sir?" Ace asks.

"Ah. Thank you all for coming. I'll get right to the point," Crowley says, a serious expression on his face and tone. "Now that the Heartslabyul incident is behind us, I wanted to give you a proper debriefing on the matter. If you're to become mages, you need to fully understand the malady that befell Mr. Rosehearts."

"You called it 'overblot,' right?" Deuce asks Crowley, in which he nods.

"Yes, this is correct."

"My brother told me a little about that. He said that could happen to anyone who builds up too much blot. Sounds like Cater was pretty much on the nose with 'beserker mode.'" Ace speaks up, making Angel and Grim confused.

"Yeah, but what is 'blot,' anyway?" Grim asks.

"Ah, indeed. For your sake and Angel's, it would behoove us to start with the basics. I shall teach you all you need to know. Charity, thy name is Crowley!" Crowley says with a smile on his face while Angel sweat drops, knowing where this will lead and being mentally prepared for the boasting he will do. Crowley clears his throat to explain. "Now, 'blot' is a form of waste that is created as a byproduct of using magic. Just as cars run on gasoline, and in the process, expel dangerous gases as exhaust, casting spells consume magical energy, and in the process, expels blot."

Angel thinks about the comparison for a moment. "That honestly doesn't sound very healthy."

Crowley only agrees with her. "Quite. Research into the nature of blot has been conducted since time immemorial, and yet, we still understand little about it. All we know for sure is that it is terrifically toxic, and excessive amounts can wreck havoc on a mage's mind and body."

"I guess that's why Grandma was always naggin' me to not overdo it with the magic, huh?" Ace says as he thinks back. "Here I thought she just didn't want me to break stuff."

"Power and peril are two sides of the same coin. Even the greatest of mages cannot cast spell after spell without consequence."

"So you're tellin' me I'm gonna get sick if I keep usin' magic whenever I want?!" Grim says, a little concerned.

"Not necessarily," Crowley answers. He thinks for a moment. "Hm. Perhaps a demonstration would prove more efficient than a mere explanation," he says, looking past the four. "Ghosts, assemble! I have a job for you!" After saying that, three ghosts instantly appear in the ghost, looking at Crowley, making the four look on in surprise at the fact that there's ghosts in the headmage's office. How many ghosts are there at this school?!

"Huzzah! You summoned us, Headmage?" One ghost asked.

"Not these guys again?!" Ace says, not looking forward to battling with ghosts, only for his assumptions to turn out right.

"Would you be so kind as to help me put these young students through their paces?" Crowley politely asks the ghosts, in which the ghosts nod. Angel could only look at Crowley, who gives her a gesture to head his way, in which she complies.

"T-this seems like a bad idea," Deuce says as the ghosts start to surround the three.

"Yeah, okay," one of the ghosts says, observing the three. "We'll go a round or two with 'em."

"Now students, ready your magical pens. Prepare to receive a special lesson from your headmage!" Crowley says with a smile as Angel only looks at him in disbelief.

The ghosts go after the three, in which they all launch spell after spell at the ghosts. After a while of constant spell casting and maneuvering, Angel could see that the guys were starting to get tired, but she also saw that their spells weren't as effective as when they started fighting. Is this because of blot? Eventually, the ghosts had enough of the fight and surrendered, leaving the boys huffing and panting from the use of spells.

A/N: Hiyas everyone! From today until school ends (I only have about 2 weeks left!) I will be posting two chapters a day for 2-3x a week this week and next week. It'll give me time for school, work, and a break day (I miss my games 😿) from writing. Do know that the event stories will be posted as soon as I am finished writing them (you can skip them!) but they will take a while to write (thank god I have drafts for book 2 all prepared on my phone for easy publishing!)! Thanks for reading! You rock! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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