🌹The Rose Red Tyrant🌹 Chapter 2

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As Ace sat on the sofa, he crossed his arms and looked at Angel and Grim, who was sitting across from him in a chair. Grim was on Angel's lap while Angel was petting Grim, who was looking at Ace's collar.

"I'd recognize that collar anywhere. It's the same one that psycho stuck on me at orientation!" Grim says, remembering the memory.

"Oh yeah," Angel says as she remembers tackling Grim and Grim obtaining a collar when she was holding him. "You had that collar on you because of you were shooting fireballs everywhere," she added, causing Grim to growl a little bit at her remark.

"What'd you do to get shackled with that?" Grim ask Ace as Angel keeps petting him, purring at the touch.

Ace scoffs and looks away, embarrassed. "I ate a tart," he says quietly.

Angel looks at Ace, blinking at his confession. "You...ate a tart?" She asks, confused at the statement.

"Yeah, that's it! That's all I did!" Ace turns around to look at Angel, who jumped at his sudden action. "I was a little hungry, see, so I went down to the dorm kitchen and found some tarts in the fridge. Three whole tarts! Big ones, too!" He says as he starts to recollect the story.

In Heartslabyul's dorm kitchen, Ace walks towards the fridge, groaning with his stomach growling in hunger.

"Man, I'm still tired from our little adventure. I missed dinner, too, and now I'm starving! Got anything for me, fridge?" Ace says as he opens the fridge and look around for a while, before landing his eyes on some tarts in the corner of the fridge. Ace's eyes sparkle at the sight of them. "Whoa, score! Tarts! Those look amazing! And plenty to go around, too! No one would notice if I snagged one teeeeeeeeensy little slice, right? Right. Of course not!" He says as he takes a slice of a tart and put it in his mouth, chewing it happily. "Hmph...SO good! I'm in pastry paradise right now!" He exclaims happily.

"Of course, they're good. Trey made them. His tarts are always exceptional," A voice says behind Ace, but Ace only agrees with the voice.

"Yeah, but I mean...These are crazy good! Like, he   could sell these at-"Ace turns around to face the voice behind him, but he face quickly went from happy to fear once he saw the person behind him. "Wait, Housewarden?!"

"That you would think to touch anything of MINE..." The housewarden replies, anger in his voice. "Well, I'm impressed with your audacity, at least," he admits as he closes his eyes, disappointment evident on his face. "But the Queen of Heart's rule 89 is quite clear: 'Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission.' The theft of tarts is a serious crime!" The housewarden yells at Ace as he raises his pen at Ace. "Off With Your Head!" He yells as a white light headed towards Ace, causing the black and red collar to form around his neck.

"Bwaaaah!" Ace exclaims in surprise as he sees the collar on his neck.

"And...here I am," Ace finishes the story to Angel and Grim, who just stare at him with blank stares.



"So...the point is you're both terrible?" Grim says with a deadpanned face while Angel smacks his back because of his statement, making Grim jump.

Ace sees this and mentally smiles at Angel's action before being annoyed about the situation. "You don't think that it's insane for my magic to get sealed away for eating ONE slice of tart?!" Ace complains. "For a mage, that's like having your arms and legs bound and shackled! And there were three whole tarts! THREE! It's not like he could eat 'em all himself! C'mon, you KNOW this is messed up!" He looks at Angel, trying to prove his point.

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