🌹The Red Rose Tyrant🌹 Chapter 21

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As Angel sleeps in her room, the mirror glows again, ripples forming as a picture forms in her dreams.

Angel opens her eyes to be welcomed with darkness. She looks around, only to see nothing as she hears a voice in the void. (Another strange dream?)

"And as for you, Your Majesty...'Your Majesty,' indeed!" She hears and a scene of Alice in front of a podium shows up, seeing that the girl is obviously arguing with someone in the void. Part of the void reveals the Queen of Roses, looking down at Alice from a high place, glaring at her words. "Why, you're not a queen. You're just a fat, pompous, bad-tempered old ty...tyrant..." Alice says, stuttering her last words.

The Queen only glare at her, processing her statement. "Mmhmmhmmhmmhmm...What are you saying, my dear?" She asks Alice.

A cat pops up on the queen's head, giving her an eerily smile. "Well, she simply said that you're a fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrant! Hahahaha!" The cat says as it sits on the queen's head, making the queen angry with Alice's words, turning her head red with rage as she issues her order.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOF WITH HER HEAD!" The queen shouts, and the cards look at Alice.

"Ooooooooooh!" They exclaim, surrounding Alice. Alice looked around and see cards surrounding her on all sides, fear on her face.

"You heard what Her Majesty Said! Off with her head!" The King of Hearts exclaimed, as the cards walk towards Alice and covered the scene.

As the scene starts to disappear, Angel could only look on with worry for the poor girl, as the last thing she saw of Alice was her blond hair among the sea of red and black. She starts to enter the void again, hearing nothing, as one thought appears in her head before the void overtakes her. (If only someone had stopped her before it came to this...)

Angel's eyes start to flutter awake as she looks around her surroundings. She remembered that she slept in her room because Ace and Deuce basically forced her to sleep in her bed for the night since the previous night, they all slept on the floor. She gets up and start to stretch, only to be shocked when the door to her room opened and she saw Grim looking at her, with a smile.

"Hey, Angel!" Grim says as he looks at the girl already standing up and stretching. "Ah, good, you're already up." Angel looks at the bed and only just now realized that Grim got up earlier than her. Ace follows him behind as he peeks his head at the doorway.

"Today's the big duel! Let's DO this thing," Ace says determined and Angel looks at him. She proceeds to walk into the bathroom.

"Does that mean you guys have a plan to beat Riddle?" She asks Ace while she's in the room's built in bathroom, washing her face.

"You bet! Riddle's going down," Ace says as he notices the shared room between her and Grim. He sees that her room was barely cleaned but, he noticed that it's at least cleaner than the other rooms he's seen so far. Grim climbs up Ace's shoulder and only looks at him as Ace is secretly judging the room.

"It's a work-in-progress," Grim says as he gets Ace's attention, remembering what he was here for.

"Well, I'll let you get ready, Angel," Ace says with a blush, turning his head away from the scene as the girl starts to change out of her nightgown. "We'll be downstairs waiting for you," he leaves with Grim, closing the door behind him. As Ace walk downstairs, he blushes more at the fact that the girl was about to change right in front of him, and he covers his hand with his mouth. I can't believe it...she needs to be more aware...Ace thinks as he joins up with Deuce downstairs.

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