🐙The Merchant from the Depths🐙 Chapter 10

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After following Azul through a long hallway, with Jade and Floyd keeping the rear of the group, the five eventually arrives at a door, in which Azul uses his keys to unlock and let the two inside, looking around the room in surprise before him, Jade, and Floyd head inside themselves. The room was isolated from the lounge, in which it was simple in design but still have the same classy effect as the lounge, with two leather sofas in the middle, facing each other with a table in front of them. There were shelves filled with books on the walls, and in the back of the room, there was a desk and chair, but behind that chair was yellow and gray vault, embedded in the wall. The two only stood and looked around the room for a while, mostly amazed at the fact that a room like this even exists on campus while Azul only heads to the desk, shuffling some stuff around. It was even nicer than Crowley's office after all! "What IS this place?" Jack asks, looking around in awe. "Are we really still on school property?" His eyes land on the vault behind Azul and nudged Angel. "Look at that huge vault..." he whispers, putting his eyes on the safe and Angel follows. "It's like some kinda bank."

"All right, that's enough rubbernecking. Please, have a seat," Azul says as he sits on one of the sofas in the middle of the room, legs crossed while Jade and Floyd stand behind him, one on each side. Angel and Jack could only look at each other and follow suit, sitting next to each other on the opposite sofa, facing Azul. Azul only smiles at the duo, as if officially welcoming them to the lounge, while Jack only crosses his arms, keeping an eye on trio just in case they do anything suspicious. "So, what would you like to discuss with me?" Azul asks, placing his hands on his lap as he waits for the answer.

Jack glances at Angel for a brief moment and Angel takes a deep breath, trying to find the words to say in a way that even Azul will at least try to listen. "I-I'd like you to free the students you've indentured...please..." Angel whispers the last part, completely out of nerves.

Azul only chuckles at the request, taking Jack and Angel by surprise. "Ha ha ha! Goodness me. That's quite the demand to make right out the gate," he jokes. "You would ask me to release all 225 students from their contracts with me?"

Angel and Jack only widen their eyes at the number of students. "You bamboozled that many people?! That's nuts!" Jack exclaims.

"Yes, well, Jade and Floyd did a bit of proactive market outreach this year," Azul states while Jade and Floyd only smile at the duo. "Thanks to that, I've had no shortage of clients ready to strike up deals with me. Now, Angel- as for your request to free these students..." Azul says, staring at the girl, "I am not forcing them to labor under any undue duress. They made a contract with me, and they willingly consented to the terms laid out in writing. Contracts are ironclad agreements not subject to intervention from outside parties on any emotional basis. 'Poor, unfortunate souls' they are not," he says as he fixes his glasses on his face. "To put it more bluntly, your protestations will avail you nothing, no matter how much you might kick and scream."

Angel thinks about Azul's words for a moment. I knew asking wouldn't work, but it never hurt to at least try. She thinks for a moment, and a thought popped up in her head, hopefully making her not regret the words that was about to come out of her mouth. "I'm told you're willing to grant any wish as part of a deal."

The words shocked Jack as he only looks at her in astonishment. "Wait, what?! Have you lost it?!"

Angel only sighs. "It's the only way, Jack," she says quietly while Jack only thinks about it then just glares at the three people in front of them, seeing they all have smiles on their faces.

Azul only smiles at the words. "Oho. You want to make a deal with me?" He asks curiously. "Now there's an interesting proposal."

"Aha ha! Little Jellyfishy's got some guts!" Floyd chuckles.

"Hm," Azul hums. "Now, while your interest is duly noted, there's a wee bit of a snag," Azul sighs. "You see, Angel, my understanding is that you have no magical power. From what I've heard, your voice is good, but I have no need for it, and you are not an heir to any kingdom. I can give you your smarts, but without any magical power, that's about it. You're an utterly run-of-the-mill human in every possible way. Considering the big ask you're making of me, I would need considerate collateral." The words only hurt Angel a little, reminding her of how small she is in this world. This world was, after all, no place for a non-magical person like her. She only looks down in shame, letting Azul's words sink in, making her feel...useless.

Jack only eyes Azul. "Such as?"

"Hm, I don't know..." Azul hums, trying to find the words to say. "Just off the top of my head, how about usage rights for Ramshackle Dorm, which is presently under Angel's supervision?"

The request only shocks the duo. Jack only glares at Azul. "Hey...Was that your whole angle from the-"

Suddenly, a sound was heard, interrupting Jack as everyone look at the door in surprise, seeing that the door was opened by a soap covered...blob? "SIGN ME UP FOR THAT!" Grim yells at Azul while everyone is still shocked at the development.

"G-Grim, how long have you been there?" Angel asks, at least wondering what Grim heard and how he was, conveniently, timed to come in the room at the right time.

"I can't TAKE it anymore!" Grim says as he walks towards Jack and Angel, who only looks at him and shakes the soap off of him, landing near everyone. "My fur ain't for washin' dishes!"

"Ducking out of work to eavesdrop on others is hardly employee-of-the-month behavior, Grim," Jade states coldly. "Floyd, eject him."

"Can do!" Floyd says as he walks towards Grim. Grim only cowers in fear seeing Floyd walk up to him.

"Now, now. Let's not be hasty, gentlemen," Azul says, stopping Floyd from advancing on Grim. He turns his attention to Angel. "Angel, the lone student at your dorm has weighed in on the matter. What say you? Will you put Ramshackle Dorm up as collateral and make a contract with me?"

"Pleeeeease, Angel, I'm beggin' here..." Grim whines.

"Angel, don't do it! You know he's just gonna name some unreasonable terms you could never possibly meet," Jack says, trying to warn her.

Angel could only think for a moment, trying to sort the information she just received from Azul. In order to free everyone from Azul's contract, she had to make a deal, but the problem was that if she failed, she would lose the only place she has to call home in this world, but on the off chance she did succeed with Azul's demands, she could free everyone under the contract, even her friends. However, again, there was the chance that she would fail, and if she failed, she wouldn't be able to make another contract with Azul to try again, making it impossible to free everyone from the contract. What Jack said was right, the terms would be something she could never possibly meet, as Azul did say she had no magic to help her out or to give as collateral, but what could she do? She couldn't just walk away from the situation and let everyone suffer. She already felt useless being in Twisted Wonderland with nothing to remind herself or of her home as time went by, but one thing she knew is that people didn't expect anything from her, at least aside from her friends, but with her friends being indebted to Azul, they really couldn't help her in this situation. The nerves started to come to her, making her a little breathless as she tries to calm herself down. This was an important decision, and she only had one chance to give her answer. Angel sighs as she thinks about her final answer.


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