✨Side Story 3: Self Defense Training✨

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"Now, I'll teach you self-defense," Deuce says as he circles Angel. Angel only stares straight ahead, waiting his command. Ace and Grim sit on the sidelines, watching the two practice self defense in their P.E. uniforms thanks to Vargas's permission. Deuce decided it was time to teach Angel self-defense after she was hounded down by a student trying to hit on her. Of course, Angel didn't notice his intentions, but Deuce sure did and came between her and the student, with the student walking away in fear from Deuce's glare. Deuce couldn't believe the fact that Angel didn't understand the intention of the student and just told her to meet him on the field with her P.E. jumpsuit. Here they are in their P.E. uniforms.

"Uh Deuce, you don't have-"

"While we training, call me 'Boss'!" Deuce demands.

"Yes, Boss!" Angel yells, making Deuce happy that she's paying attention

"Myah....Why did Deuce hafta bring us to the field to watch him?" Grim grumbles, annoyed at the fact that he couldn't go back to the dorm to relax.

"Don't you wanna see how this play out?" Ace says, a smirk on his face. "I got to see how a delinquent like Deuce is gonna teach Angel about self-defense."

"The first thing you need to know about self-defense is that it's to protect yourselves from any threat that comes your way," Deuce starts. Angel only patiently listens, keeping her eyes on Deuce. "That means knowing when to throw a punch or two."

"But wouldn't that hurt them?" Angel asks.

"You don't need to worry about that," Deuce quickly says, ignoring her question. "If any punks give ya trouble, ya bring the trouble to them!" He says as he cracks his knuckles.

"I don't think Deuce knows the meanin' of 'self-defense'," Grim says as he overhears Deuce's conversation.

"Now! I want you to punch me as hard as you can," Deuce commands Angel, which only makes her shocked.

"What? I can't do that," she says, uncertain about his demand.

"Imagine I'm a person who's coming towards you. I'm a stranger. Just let me have it," Deuce says as he stands in front of her, expecting a punch from her.

Angel only looks at him for a moment. She then balled her hand into a fist and them threw Deuce a punch in his stomach. Deuce didn't really expect anything much from the girl, but his expectation was valid. The punch wasn't all that strong, but there was enough strength behind it.

"Hmmm...not strong enough to knock someone out," Deuce mumbles as Angel just tilt her head in confusion. "Okay, lets get you the basics then." Deuce says as he gets into position. "When you punch someone, you want to put your weight into it, like this," he demonstrates. "The best place for you to aim is the face, but since you're shorter than most of the guys here, you might want to aim for the stomach since it'll cause them to be distracted from the pain. Personally, if you can knock them out with a face punch, it'll be fine."

Angel tries to follow his demonstration, copying the way he shifts his weight with his punches. "Usually, the more strength you have, the more effective your punches, but we'll start with fast punches. It'll do some damage."

"Okay then," she says, trying to punch as fast as she can. Deuce only watches her to make sure her posture is right but giving her tips as she goes. Ace only just stares at the two and sigh.

"Man, I at least thought Deuce would teach her some real fighting moves. She won't do anything with those flimsy punches."

"Maybe you should go out there and help demonstrate then," Grim says, obviously bored with the scene.

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