✨Side Story 21: Suspicious Intent✨

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"Okay, then, everything is good," Angel says as she looks in the mirror, getting ready for class. "It gets harder and harder to try to get ready for class, maybe because it's getting cold," she says as she looks at the window, seeing that signs of frost starting to appear. The weird thing about the school is that the temperature is regulated throughout the school during the year, but even so, they still fall victim of the seasons, which is a good thing because being 90 degrees in early December would have been a problem. Maybe I should ask Dad if he knows a good coat, but knowing him, he'll probably give me one of his own...

"Hey, Angel! Hurry up!" Grim angrily yells as he stands in the doorway, looking at her. "Can't miss anymore classes!"

"I don't miss class, Grim," she says as she flicks his head. "You're the one that either runs away or sleep during class."

"Well they shouldn't be so borin'!" He exclaims.

"Anyway, let's just go downstairs and get breakfast on our way to class," Angel sighs and Grim only agreed with her as he head out in front of her. She looked in the mirror and did last minute preparations, looking to see that she was decent enough for class, and followed Grim downstairs. Once she was downstairs, she saw that Adam, Benny, and Casper was huddled around the table, but more specifically, an envelope that was placed on the table. The sight only confused the duo as Grim only jumped on the table, trying to see what was so curious.

"Whatcha starin' at?" Grim asks the ghosts, looking at the duo.

"We found this letter outside the door," Benny says as he looks at the envelope. "It says it's for you, Angel, but there's no sender."

"Huh?" Angel says as she walks up to the table and look at the envelope, seeing that her name was largely printed on the front in a fancy style.

"Obviously, we didn't open it up, because we thought it was a prank we forgot to pull," Adam says.

"But we respect your privacy at least!" Casper happily says as Angel only took the envelope and opened it.

"Wait, what kind of prank requires an envelope?" Grim suspiciously asked the ghosts and they only smiled at him.

"If we told you, it wouldn't be a prank!" Adam says.

"But do know, it would have been awfully dreadful enough to shock you to death!" Casper added.

Grim only huff at them. "You guys never changed after all this time, huh?" He mumbles.

Angel only opened the letter inside, reading the contents.

Dear Mademoiselle,

I wish to meet you after school at the woods behind campus to tell you something important. Please come alone as this is a private matter, that includes the monster you carry. It would be best to come alone.

Angel only looks at the letter in confusion, reading it out loud for the others to hear, making them shocked as well. "What do they want with you to send a letter like this?" Grim asks.

"I don't really know," Angel says, thinking back. "I'm sure I haven't offended anyone so I'm not sure." She looks at the time, seeing that it was a little past their time to leave. "Grim, we have to get going or we're going to be late," she says as he gets her things and start to head to the door

"Myah!" Grim exclaims as he follows her. "Let's hurry then! I don't wanna be scolded by that cat!"

"Have a good day!" The ghosts yell as the two leave.

Once the duo got the class, they quickly got to their seats, seeing that they arrived at least a minute before the bell rang. The two sighed in relief, seeing that Ace and Deuce were, surprisingly, there looking at them. "'Sup, Annie," Ace greets the two while Deuce only nods at hem. "Not used to you arriving a minute before class starts. Usually, Grim's the only one who tries to challenge the bell."

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