🛷(EVENT STORY) The Harveston Sledathon: Chapter 4🛷

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"Yep, That's us! We live on the other side of Mount Moln," The gray haired boy answers. "My names Dominic. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Grum, and you better not look down on me just 'cuz I'm small!" The red haired named Grum said.

"I'm Hop, and I'm here to have fun! Woohoo!" The blond kid said.

"Zzz...Zzz....Ah! Hey...I'm Shelpie..." The green haired boy with a sleeping mask introduced.

"The name's Snick. Nice to meet you...Achoo!" The curly red haired boy with a scarf says and sneezes.

"I'm, um, Timmy...Oh gosh, this is embarrassing..." The blue haired boy with his eyes covered said.

"Uhh...What was my name again?" A purple haired boy with an off centered haircut asked.

"Come on, Toby, you could at least try to remember your own name." Dominic says to Toby.

"Um, Hello. I'm Epel from Night Raven College," Epel says, introducing himself. "This is Idia, Jade, Sebek, Grim, and Angel."

"Nice to meet you," Angel says to the kids.

"Nice to meet you too, Angel!" Dominic says happily.

"Hey there...Achoo!" Snick sneezes.

"Happy to meetcha!" Hop says.

"Wait, why are we introducing ourselves again?" Toby asks.

"So there's seven of you..." Epel counts.

"Hmph! What are Royal Sword Academy students doing all the way out here?" Sebek asks.

"We're racing in the Mount Moln Sledathon," Dominic answers.

"Bwha?!" Everyone exclaims in surprise.

"We heard you get good luck if you win it," Dominic says with a smile.

"You came here for such a vaguely-defined prize?" Sebek asks.

"You must be in sore need of some luck," Jade states.

"Not at all! We're totally fine and wouldn't dream of asking for more. It's just..."

"We want to share some luck with everyone else...Achoo!" Snick finishes.

"Huh?" Everyone looks at the kids in confusion.

"That's right. We want everyone in the world to be happier. That's why we're here," Dominic says.

"WUT. If winning one lousy race could make the whole world happy, then all of our problems would be solved already," Idia says with a shrug.

"Huh huh, you're not wrong. We know we can't make everyone happy all by ourselves. But if those close to us can be happier, like Neige...Then when other people see his smile, it'll lift their spirit! That's how we want to share it." Dominic says with a smile. "...I know it sounds a little greedy, but it's what all seven of us want."

"Yeah! Being happy rules!" Hop says happily.

"...Huh?" Everyone just look at the seven, astonished at the reasoning.

"What a load of hot garbage," Grim says to the group.

"Racing for world happiness? DO they hear themselves? What goody two-shoes! That sounds SO fake!" Epel says a bit annoyed at their reasoning.

"I've heard of doing your good deed for the day, but this is ridiculous!" Sebek states.

"They're speaking modestly, but they look quite confident in their abilities," Jade says as he looks at the seven.

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