🌹The Red Rose Tyrant 🌹 Chapter 12

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"Um, we wanted to buy all the items on this list..." Deuce says as he hands Sam the list. Sam only takes it and look over it, nodding his head.

"Ring up two cans of tuna while you're at it!" Grim adds with Angel pulling on his ear.

"No Grim! We're not here for tuna!" Angel scolds him. "Besides, we'll come back later, and I'll buy you more then. I still owe you for before anyway." Grim only sighs, but still hopeful for the aspect of more tuna in the future, remembering the girl's promise for tuna for the ghosts.

"What's this? Cream and eggs and...Quite the sacchariferous list!" Sam exclaims, bringing both Grim and Angel out of their little conversation. "I'll get everything for you," he says as he suddenly disappears into a room behind him.

"Whoa...He really does stock that stuff, huh?" Deuce says in awe as Sam disappears.

While Sam is looking for the items on the list, the three decided to keep looking around the shop. After all, it's quite weird to see a shop like this. They wander the aisles, looking at the various items on the shelves. They were surprised to see items that they only saw in books, and even Deuce and Grim were amazed at the fact that Sam had these items. 

"I'm quite surprised that there's a monkey's paw here..." Deuce mumbles, getting Angel's attention.

"A monkey's paw?" She asks.

"It's a paw that usually grants wishes," Deuce says as he inspects it. Angel only looks at it in slight disgust, actually seeing a monkey's hand displayed on a shelf. "The fingers pointing up usually mean that there are wishes left, and when you wish for something, the finger snaps down, showing that the wish has been granted." He explains.

"Ugh...sounds creepy," Grim says as he inspects it.

Deuce looks at the duo. "Well, it's not as effective as stronger magic as the Sea Witch, but it's good for minor wishes. Mainly for spur of the moment things."

Angel only looks at the monkey paw, thinking it might be useful for her memories, but as Deuce said, it's only for spur of the moment, which won't really help her if it's temporary remembrance. She only sighs as she keeps walking. When she reaches the end of the aisle, she sees two shadows hiding behind another aisle. She didn't think anything about it and went in the opposite aisle away from them, making Deuce and Grim follow her.

"Ahem!" A voice says at the counter they were at, and the trio look to see Sam standing there, with the items in hand. They head over and see that Sam has already put the items in bags on the counter.

"Here you go. It's pretty heavy...Are you sure you can carry this?" He asks the trio, specifically the two teens. Deuce looks to Angel and see that she gave him a smile, almost as if saying 'I can do this much'. "Luckily for you, our 1/100th size flying saucers are 30% off today. Perfect for carrying groceries!" Sam decided to say with a supposed trademark smile.

"Ooh, lemme see! That sounds awesome!" Grim happily says, until Deuce holds him back. Angel starts getting the bags.

"We're fine, thank you," Deuce says to Sam as he pays and help Angel gets the bags. "Let's go, Grim," He tells Grim as he only hmphs at Deuce.

"Myah! I didn't realize today was National No Fun Allowed Day!" Grim whines, in which Angel just giggles at him.

"But you get tarts later Grim," she reassures him, in which he perked back up to.

"True...all for the tarts!" Grim exclaims as he walks besides the two teens.

"Very well. Then until next time, my little imps. Do come again! Ciao!" Sam shouts after the trio as they leave the store.

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