Prologue Chapter 8

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As the two approach the front gate, they can see students heading towards the school, getting ready for the day's classes. As Angel looks around in wonder, Grim is perched on her shoulders looking around with her. "Wow, so this is Main Street, huh? This is incredible!"

"It really is," Angel says in awe. She didn't notice that the boys who were walking past her were blushing at her innocent curiosity as she looks around. She soon notices that the people who were passing her were staring at her, and she tried to hide in with her hair, but forgetting that her hair was in a ponytail, she just looked down, blushing in embarrassment. She looked at the guys and shyly sent them a small smile, which made the boys blush harder and speed up, either happy that she smiled at them or just trying to hide their embarrassment from her. While she was avoiding her gazes with the boys around her, she moved her attention to the seven statues lined up with the walkway, composing of men, women, and a lion it seems.

"I didn't get to see much of it yesterday," Grim continues, noticing the statues as well. "What's the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary. Like, this lady here looks like she got some reeeal anger management issues."

He points to a statue of a busty lady in a dress which is split down the middle, with an outer skirt starting off to be short but long as it heads towards the ground. She holds one part of the outer skirt with her left hand in an arrogant manner, hold her pinky out as she does it. In her other hand, she is holding a heart shaped flower, bringing it towards her as to smell it. She looks as if she is enjoying herself with a smile on her face, but from a closer look, one can tell that it is not a smile, but more of a smirk as she closes her eyes. She also wears a tiny crown that doesn't fit with her big head. Angel observes the statue intently, observing it until a voice speaks up behind her.

"You don't know the Queen of Hearts?" the deep voice asks, causing Angel to jump in surprise causing her to whip her head around to look at the voice. She sees a boy with short messy light red hair and red eyes standing behind, being several inches taller than her, making her look up to see him clearly. She sees that he has a heart symbol painted over his left eye, making the girl wonder if he was wearing makeup or if it was a weird mark he was born with. He was wearing a black blazer with a gold trim around the open edges, with black pants to match. She sees that he's also wearing a red vest underneath the jacket and see that under the vest, there is a white dress shirt with a white and black striped tie tied around his neck. She sees that he is wearing a red and black striped armband on his left arm, with a red gem in his blazer pocket, now that Angel looks over it. She also sees that he's wearing black gloves that cover his hands and stop right at his wrists. Because of her quick action of turning around, the boy was barely able to dodge her white hair from being about to hit him. He stared at her purple eyes while she stares at his red eyes, causing just a small blush to form on his face.

"Queen of Hearts?" Grim ask, causing Angel to snap out of her staring at the boy in front of her. "Is she some kinda big deal?"

He broke out of his trance and answered Grim. "She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago. She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her," he explains. "You wanna know why?" He looked at Angel with a small smirk on his face.

"Um...w-why?" She stutters, nervous about the next words that will come out of his mouth.

"Because," the boy started, "the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!" He grins with the finger motion of someone slashing his head off, making Angel's eyes widen in fear.

"Wah! That's seriously messed up!" Grim cries aloud, surprised at the development of the explanation.

"Pretty cool, right?" The boy says with a smile, putting his hands behind his head. "I'm a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?"

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