🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 31

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Angel's eyes start twitching, slowly waking up. She cracks her eyes open to see the familiar white area with a pond as before. She blinks, trying to sit up as she looks at her arms and legs, seeing that the cracks have appeared on her body, a sigh escaping her lips as she crawls over to the pond to see that the cracks have spread to her face and her eyes turned black. She sighs and turns around, seeing the familiar white robed figure in front of her, looking down at her. She stands up hurriedly in surprise, trying not to show disrespect to the figure.

"We meet again, little one," Mentor says as they look at Angel.

Angel could only look up at them, can't read their expression because of the mask. "Um...yeah...Mentor."

Mentor only looks at her. "You let it linger for too long, little one. It will take a little longer to purify you." They hold their hand out and Angel only takes it, the cold, calming feeling overcoming her body. The good thing is that unlike last time, she didn't have to spend a long time looking for them. "Now, since we have more time, I can answer any questions you have," Mentor says as they only look at Angel.

Angel could only think about the questions she has, trying to see which one she should asks first. Mentor did say that they have time, so she decided to ask whatever came to mind. "Um, if that's the case," Angel starts, "can I ask who you are?"

Mentor only looks at her. "I am the guide that Purifiers have to go through to open up their powers," they respond. "I also see the fates of all Purifiers, so you can say that I am the Purifier's guardian. A vast fount of knowledge of what Purifiers are and how they came to be, that is what I am."

Angel thinks about the answers, having no choice but to accept it as she is only confused. "Um, purifiers have powers...?"

"Yes, but their powers are more prominent with magic; however, since you do not have any magic, your powers may only be limited by only seeing the onset of overblot and absorbing the blot. Most of previous Purifiers could stop the spread for a moment, but only temporarily. Just like normal mages, mages who are Purifiers are not all-powerful, which is why they succumb to the overblot within themselves as well."

"Then, what about me?" Angel asks.

Mentor is quiet for a moment, thinking about her question. "You are...an anomaly," they said. "I've never seen anyone like you before, which is quite concerning. I would not know what would exactly happen to you but all I know is that your fate is sealed."


"Every Purifier has a specific fate to follow. Some Purifiers do not survive to old age because of their fates. Some of them do survive to old age, but only a select few does. There is one who did, but..." Mentor only stops and looks at Angel. "You should not know about them."

"Why not?"

"..." Mentor thinks for a moment before explaining. "There was one Purifier who was well-known for his magic, but people targeted him, not only for his magic, but as the fate of Purifier. They ambushed him, using their magic to confine him and leave him to die, but the Purifier only rejected the idea of death, letting the negative emotions overtake him and eventually became corrupted, targeting the town the people left him to die. He decimated the entire town overnight, sending the town into a frenzy as negative emotions spread among the villagers, causing them to kill each other and themselves, eventually the whole town fail to exist. No one was spared: Men killed women, women killed children, children killed elderly, the list goes on. Family or friends did not matter, they only killed whoever they saw."

Angel only listens to the story, eyes widen at the tale as another question that's been on her mind comes up. "What does it mean to be 'corrupted'?"

"When corruption happens, the person loses their sense of self, becoming only a shell for negative emotions to come forth. They would only encourage the spread of negative emotions, dark thoughts plaguing their mind as they start to practice the dark arts, letting the negative emotions take forth. Many times when Purifiers experience this, they shortly die after, after about a week, but in the same case, they called be killed. Corruption is what you need to steer clear of."

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