🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 7

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After a while after the duo get into the dorm after Crowley's meeting, Grim only sighs while Angel is baking something in the kitchen. "Man...If I can't be in the Spelldrive tournament, then what's even the point anymore?"

Angel only looks at Grim with a concerned look. "You're still not over that? It's not the end of the world you know," she says while she makes lemonade with a hint of strawberry in it.

"What's wrong, Grimmy?" Casper and the others appear. "Something got ya down?"

"He's sulking because he can't play in the Spelldrive tournament," Benny says, laughing at the news.

"If you want to play Spelldrive that badly, why, we can play with ya!" Adam adds on. "I was the team captain ninety years ago, y'know. The girls in the stands couldn't get enough of me!"

"Yeah, but wouldn't we need seven people?" Grim asks, not rejecting the idea so far.

"It's not a real match, so who cares? Let's just play!" Casper says happily as they hover outside to the empty field. Grim could only follow suit, with Angel behind him, drink in her hand as she find a spot to sit and watch Grim and the ghosts play. From what Crowley described the game to them, it sounds kinda like football where she comes from, and the field confirmed it. She finds a chair and sits down while Grim and the ghosts head towards the empty field, a disc in hand, or in this case, in the air. Grim takes the disc and use magic to control the disc, making it float above him as the ghosts get in front of him.

"Now, don't sweat the rules and particular small stuff for now. Just control the disc with magic and lob it right into the goal," Adam instructs Grim.

Grim only smirks. "No problem! You ghosts are gonna eat my dust!"

"Mind you, the disc carrier should expect magical interference! Hee hee," Benny says as they get ready to start.

"Ready...set...PLAY!" Casper says as the ghosts starts heading towards Grim. Grim starts running towards them, trying to avoid any collision with them. While the ghosts were after Grim, Grim used his fireballs to stop the ghosts, making them stop chasing him for a while to avoid being burned, making Grim get closer and closer to the end of the field. Once Grim almost reached the goal line, he smirks.

"Booyah! Now all I gotta do is get it in the goal and-"

Benny and Casper appear in front of him, scaring him and making him stop. "BOO!"

"GYAH! W-w-what's the big idea?!"

"Gyhaha! You think we wouldn't try to block an enemy's goal?" Benny laughs.

Grim only looks at him in anger. "Aint nothing magical about THAT interference!" Grim says as he tries to navigate around the ghosts, trying to score the goal. When ghosts appear in front of his suddenly, Grim only use his fireballs to make them disappear temporarily, making his chance to sneak passed them and head towards the goal, but it proves to be a hard challenge as every time Grim lets out a fireball, the disc starts to wobble, making Grim reapply his magic to the disc to keep it stable. Grim only lets out a groan.

"Myaaaah! This disc sure is tough to control!" He shouts in frustration.

Benny only laughs. "Hee hee! Even if you did get in the tournament, you'd be out in the first round."

"Hey, give him some credit! He's not bad for a first timer!" Adam says, at least appreciating Grim's attempt.

"W-whatever! I'm a whiz and nothin' else! I'm gonna be a Spelldriving pro in no time!" Grim says as he stops putting magic in the disc and let it fall, with the four of them heading towards Angel, who only looked at them with a smile.

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