🌟(EVENT STORY) Wish Upon a Star: Finale🌟

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On the day of the Starsending ceremony, Deuce, Trey, Grim and Angel were called to the headmage office, observing the clouds through the windows. "I see a big, whale-shaped cloud in the distance, but it's clear as day 'round here," Grim says as he sees the clouds in the distance.

"Yeah. Doesn't look like we'll have any trouble holding the ceremony. Right, Headmage?" Trey asks.

"Hmmm..." Crowley hums as he watches the clouds, thinking about the risk..

"Don't you agree, sir?" Deuce inquires. "We believed the weather would clear, AND we kept practicing!"

"You certainly did, but cast your eyes outside!" Crowley booms. "Distant or not, there are massive storm clouds heading our way! It's only a matter of time before they reach us. To ignore this fact and hold the ceremony would be..." Suddenly, a phone rings, in which Crowley saw that it was coming from his phone instead of the teens. He takes out his phone, trying to look at the caller ID. "What's this? A phone call...from an unknown number?" He answers the phone. "Hello?...Yes? Idia Shroud?" The name makes everyone's attention on Crowley. "I never gave you this number. How did you...hm? The ceremony? The rest of your group and I were just discussing wheather or not to cancel it, actually...Yes...Mmhm...I beg your pardon?!" Crowley exclaims. "You can't just DO that! Wait! Idia Shroud, don't you dare-" The phone clicks, making Crowley look at the phone in confusion and them look at the four. "...He hung up."

"What'd he say?" Deuce asks.

"He demanded we go ahead with the ceremony, and said not to worry about the weather." The news shocked everyone. "He also informed me that he remotely accessed my PC and sent an email to the press. The email said, 'The ceremony will proceed as planned. We eagerly await your visit to our school.' It appears my hands have been tied. We've got no alternative but to move forward with the ceremony! Goodness, what a quagmire!" Crowley says.

Everyone only looked at each other. "Don't worry about it," Angel says to Deuce and Trey. "If Idia's this confident about it, then I'm sure it'll be fine." Deuce and Trey only think about what she said and sigh, preparing to head to the site of the ceremony.

At the ancient tree, students gathered around, waiting for the ceremony to start, some more worried about the weather, and some just bored of waiting. "Are Trey and Deucey holding up okay?" Cater asks as he and Ace wait for the ceremony to start. "I can't really see 'em from back here."

"If I know Deuce- and I think I do by now- he's gonna be so freaked out he's frozen stuff," Ace smirks.

As the time for the ceremony start approaches, Deuce and Trey could only look at the students, nerves starting to get to Deuce. "This...this is it. Do you think we can pull the dance off?" Deuce asks Trey, trying to calm himself down.

"Don't let your nerves get the best of you, Deuce," Trey says. "Try to relax your shoulders. We practiced a ton for this. But none of that will matter if you're scared stiff."

"Just take a deep breath, and you'll do great," Angel instructs and Deuce could only follow her instructions, taking breaths to calm down.

"Clover is right, you know," Crowley says. "I should inform you the reporters have arrived to cover the event. PLEASE do not disgrace us."

"Yessir!" Deuce exclaims.

"Speaking of public appearances," Crowley says as he looks around. "Where might Idia Shroud be?"

"Looks like he's running late," Trey says as he looks at the sky.

"Oh dear. Surely he wouldn't bow out at this juncture?"

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