🛷(EVENT STORY) The Harveston Sledathon: Chapter 3🛷

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A/N: This shit is LONG! Read at your own risk if your committed to read. IF YOU GOT TIME TO SPARE READ IT IF YOU DARE!

"If we're going to practice sledding, does that mean we're off to Mount Moln?" Jade asks.

"Whee hee hee...That's the main stop on my tour! I can feel the hype already," Idia says, chuckling.

"We're certainly dressed for it now," Sebek says with a determined look in his eyes.

"Shall we get going, Epel?" Jade says, happy at the fact that they're heading to the mountain.

"Actually, we'll be visiting the assembly hall in the center of town first," Epel states, making everyone look his way.

"Why is that?" Sebek questions.

"Grandma's got all our sleds and stuff there," Epel explains.

"Ah, so we'll be meeting your grandmother. I'm most curious to see what she's like," Jade says as the six head to the center of town.

The center of Harveston is really simple: they had a well in the center, surrounded by benches and right down the path was a big building, which everyone assumed was the assembly hall proudly standing. As they walk and admire the surroundings, a voice calls out to Epel, making everyone look it's way. "Howdy, Epel! Glad to have ya back home," the voice says with a thick accent. Everyone looks to see a old lady, with a hair color similar to Epel, just a lighter shade of purple. She was about a few inches shorter than Epel and Angel, with her light pink outfit almost matching the same designs and garments as Epel. Her light blue eyes shown as she stares at Epel and the others, a smile on her face as she greets her grandson, who runs up towards her.

"Thanks, Granny Marja! I'm glad to BE back!" Epel happily says, greeting his grandmother.

"Ya eatin' right at Night Raven College? Y'know you won't grow big an' strong if'n yer picky. And do y'still gulp down the stuff you don't like in one bite? Ah remember you used to choke all the time..." Mrs. Marja says while Epel only blushes in embarrassment at the lady telling stories.

"Meemaw, please! Yer gonna embarrass me in fronta alla these folks!" Epel says with a blush, trying to stop his grandmother from spilling every detail. Everyone could only look at the scene.

"So that's Epel's grandma," Idia says as he watches the exchange. "Neat."

"She seems friendly enough," Jade states.

"Their accents are a bit thick, though," Sebek says, trying to understand the conversation between the relatives.

"Some places have distinctive local dialects. I'm sure this is one of them," Jade explains, crossing his arms in understanding.

"Hello there! You must be Epel's friends. I'm his grandmother, Marja," she says as she approaches the five with Epel beside her.

"Oh, you've adjusted your accent for us," Jade says with a surprise. "That's very welcoming of you."

"Well, sure. I switch it up when I'm selling goods in another town," she explains to the five. "I know it can be a little tricky for people outside Harveston to understand."

"Don't worry. If you get confused by something someone says, I'll interpret for you," Epel says to the five, who only nod in agreement.

"It's just wonderful that you all came out. I appreciate you being so kind to my grandson," Mrs. Marja says to the five.

"Epel's very kind to us," Jade says with a smile.

"...I barely interact with him, TBH," Idia mumbles.

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