✨Side Story 11: The Problem With Beastmen✨

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A/N: HAPPY ZELDA RELEASE DAY EVERYONE!!! I HAD THE OVARIES TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER. THATS RIGHT. I SAID IT. I was legit on my time of the month when I wrote it and noticed that not many people write about this so I was like "why not be that person😈". I hope you guys enjoy nonetheless!

Also that one side story I said a few chapters ago May have...idk....turned into 2 or 3 more side stories 😅 but I can tell you REALLY guys like them so I'll continue them as other books are done!

A week after waking up from her coma, Angel woke up from bed, feeling weird. She woke up and felt groggier than ever, which was weird considering that she went to bed at her normal time. She tries to remember what she did yesterday that was different: she woke up, ate breakfast, went to class, ate lunch, did cleaning duty, head back, did homework, eat dinner, then washed up and went to bed. So far, nothing different from what I usually do... She thinks as she remove the covers from her body trying to get up, but as she did, she felt a pain she never had before, at least as she remembers. She holds her stomach, hoping that the pain will subside before it went away, a sigh of relief coming out of her as she stood up. When she stood up, she felt a little cold, which was weird since the weather wasn't chilly enough yet, but there was a sight chill in the air, but with Grim's natural fire warming up the room and around her, she never felt cold. She could only hold her arms in an attempt to warm herself up as she looks around the room, hoping to find the source of the chill until something caught her eye. She looked to the bed, only to see a spot that wasn't there, and only shrieked at the red stain on the bed.

"Oh, that's just your time of the month," Adam says as he tries to reassure her. "It's quite normal for females to have them, you know."

"Ah..." Angel says, embarrassed after taking a shower and putting on the appropriate items to get ready for school. "It just came up at me as a surprise..."

"It's fine!" Benny says. "You lost your memories about yourself, I'm sure it did!"

"Besides," Casper says. "It only shows you're healthy after being in this world."

"Um..." Angel couldn't help but ask. "How, um, do you guys know about this?"

"Oh, you think we didn't have daughters when we we're alive?" Casper asks, a smile on his face.

"Even a few granddaughters?" Adam asks.

Angel could only think about the statement, things making sense. Grim only looks at the ghosts in confusion. "So, Angel ain't dying?"

"No, she's fine, Grimmy boy," Benny says. "She's just going through a normal time of the month."

"And yet, this happens every month?" Grim asks.

"Yep. She'll be fine after a few days," Adam says.

Casper sighs in relief. "For a second there, I was worried about it not coming. It would only show that you were stressed after being here but it's good that you're not. Seems like you're adapting just fine."

"Ahahaha, after everything that has happened, I'm surprised I'm not stressed," Angel says nervously.

"Either way, you'll be fine. What you're feeling is only the side effects of it," Adam says. "You should feel fine as long as you warm yourself up and don't push yourself. It only lasts a few days." Angel only nods, embarrassed at the fact that the ghosts helped her out. She sent a text to Crewel, in which he instantly responded that she should see him after class, since during the time he couldn't be there for her. She could only sigh at the statement. It's only a few days...how bad could it be?

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