🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 21

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"Huh. That's actually not half bad, dude," Ace says after hearing about the plan.

"That is quite a plan, Housewarden Rosehearts!" Deuce agrees.

"Sounds like ol' Cay-Cay has a lot of prep work to do before the big day!" Cater says as he pulls out his phone.

"Thank you, Cater. Take care not to raise any suspicions," Riddle says.

"So H-B-U, Jack? You heard Riddle's plan. Are you in? Or out?" Cater asks.

Jack thinks for a moment. "There's nothing cowardly about it, at least. I supposed we can work together this one time," he says crossing his arms.

"Really feelin' the trust there, Jack," Grim says sarcastically.

"Cool beans. Let's all get back to our dorms for today. I know I'm about ready to kneel over," Ace says as he rubs his shoulders.

"Yeah, and I'm starving!" Grim whines.

"Hold on a moment, freshmen," Riddle states and the people look to see Riddle and Angel looking at them with a glare, Angel having a strained smile on her face as she looks at the four. "Because of the information it yielded, I am going to overlook your flagrant violation of rule #6: 'No fighting on campus.' But rest assured that if it happens again, it will cost you your heads. Are we clear?" Riddle says coldly.

"Yes sir, Housewarden Rosehearts," Ace, Deuce, and Grim responds.

"...Yeah," Jack responds.

"Um..." Angel speaks up, making Riddle look at her, "Mind if I say something to them as well, Riddle?" Angel asks him with a smile, and Riddle felt chills go down his spine.

"Uh, sure," Riddle says taken aback by the girl's attitude.

"Thanks," she looks at both Riddle and Cater. "You guys can go ahead," she says with a smile and Riddle and Cater only walk a bit away. Once they are at an appropriate distance, she looked onto the freshmen, who flinch at how fast her face went from a smile to a cold expression. "Now...about you four..." She says glaring at the four. "How could you four be so stupid to fight in the middle of the courtyard?! What have I been telling all of you! 'Don't cause a scene!' Have everything I've been saying fall on deaf ears?! Why can't you guys just talk this out peacefully before heading head-first into thinking that people need fists and spells to prove your point?!" She yells.

"Eep!" Ace and Deuce flinch at her tone. Grim could only silently shake at the girl's anger.

"And you!" She says, glaring at Jack, in which Jack was taken aback. "How dare you try to say you'll think about the plan when you were the one about to do the dumbest thing I've ever heard of?! I know these three here were dumb, but you take the cake, mister! You're a wolf, I understand that, but even you can do so much! Now, you are going to accept this plan and we will help you! Do not even think you're going to go off by yourself or you're just going to get hurt, and when you do, I won't be there to help you, mister! Are we clear?!"

"Y-y-yes ma'am!" Ace, Deuce, and Grim responds to Angel, in which she only looks at them.

"...." Jack looks at Angel, in which she only gives him a glare, making his ears fold down in shame that she had to scold him. "...Y-yeah," He says.

Angel only huffs at the four, following Riddle and Cater, who only look at the girl in shock and awe after watching her scold the rest. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side... They both thought.

"V-very well," Riddle says, trying to collect himself from Angel's outburst. "Let us return to our dorms." Him and Cater head back to their dorm, leaving the four shaking after the double scolding they received.

"Man, I thought he looked like a wuss, but your housewarden is one scary dude," Jack whispers to Ace and Deuce.

"You ain't wrong. Mistake him for a friendly headgehog and you'll quickly learn he's actually a furious porcupine," Ace returns.

"And I see Angel isn't one to push over too," Jack says looking at the girl. "She's as quiet and timid as a rabbit, but she's more like a snake."

"Once Angel gets into her mood, you better watch out. She's the scariest of the bunch," Deuce says and everyone else agreed.

"She was angry before, but this is a whole 'nother angry..." Grim whines, still reeling in the scolding.

"Now, we are gonna stop this crime, no matter what! Right, guys?" Angel says with a smile, making the boys and Grim flinch. They could only nod at her, not really wanting another scolding from the girl, and head to their respective dorms.

At night in the Savanaclaw Dorm's lounge, Leona and Ruggie sit, surrounded by other members of Savanaclaw, with Leona glaring at Ruggie. "Ruggie, what's this I heard about you getting' chased around by the Heartslabyul kids at lunch?! You idiot! I told you a thousand times to make sure you didn't leave any evidence behind!"

"I...I didn't! That was some kind of a fluke," Ruggie defends. "You don't need to worry about a thing, Boss. They've got no evidence whatsoever. Cross my heart and hope to die!"

Leone only looks at Ruggie. "Hmph. Anyway, I secured the cooperation of that crazy squid at Octavinelle, but it didn't come cheap. If you idiots mess things up of tournament day, I am gonna fry you up and eat you myself," Leona threatens.

"The main dish is coming along nicely," Ruggie says with a smirk.

"Don't worry. We're gonna have those Diasomnia jerks pleading for mercy on tournament day!" One of the students says.

"I do look forward to watching this all play out," Ruggie says. "Oh, how the worlds will praise us when they see you standing over a battered Malleus Draconia! Maybe some top corporate recruiters will even take an interest in a little ol' hyena like me."

"Even the pro leagues will be scout you!" The student says.

Leona only chuckles at the crowd. "Look at all'a you- celebratin' when you've only just sunk your claws into your prey."

"You're gonna be the most famous of all, Leona!" A student says happily.

"Everyone in the Sunset Savanna is gonna have some second thoughts about who should be the next king!"

"Succession ain't got nothin' to do with ability," Leona says bitterly.

"Huh?" Ruggie says.

"Nothin'," Leona yawns. "I'm headin' to bed. All of you, scram."

"Yessir. Sleep well, Housewarden," Ruggie says as Leona heads to his room.

"As if conquerin' this school is gonna fix anything in the real world..." Leona mumbles.

At Ramshackle Dorm, as Angel was about to get in the bed, a throbbing headaches arrives, making her stop and try to settle it down, sitting on the bad. Just like before, she sees a briefly sees a figure being covered by a shadow, letting the shadow slowly engulf the figure. Grim only looks at her in concern. "Angel, ya okay?"

The pain subsides after a while, and Angel only looks at Grim. "I'm good Grim. It's nothing. Just a headache from being angry earlier."

Grim shudders at the scolding he got earlier. I don't wanna go through that again."

"Then don't cause trouble, Grim."

"Can't make no promises!" Grim says as he takes his spot on the bed.

Angel could only sigh at Grim and take her spot as well, thinking about the vision she had. Is someone...overblotting? She thinks before closing her eyes.

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