✨Side Story 6: They're Just Roommates✨

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A/N: Hiyas guys! If you got the previous post, this is the chapter that was added after the book was completed. This is the side story that was added after the book complete and the side stories will be changed in accordance to the number of side stories so if you see any chapter changes, it's because of this chapter. Either way, I thank you guys for understanding the crazy chapter changes! (1/8/24)

"Let's see, if I do this..." Deuce mumbles as he sits at his desk in the shared room, doing homework. "That should be right...right?" He asks as he looks over his answer. He sighs. "I know Riddle and Angel have been helping me, but I just can't get used to understanding this..."

"Hey, Deuce!" A student calls out, getting his attention, seeing the other two students in their four-person room. "We're going out for some food. Need anything?"

"Nah, I'm good," he says as he looks at them. "Go ahead." The two look at each other and shrugged, heading out, leaving him alone.

"Okay, now to focus again," he says to himself, looking at the half-completed assignment. "Next question: 'What are the components of most potions made by mages today?' Um...wasn't that..." He thinks for a moment. "Gah! I can't remember," he sighs.

"Yeesh, you're sure goin' through the works," Ace says as he enters the room and sits on his bed, making Deuce groan. "Don't know why you're doin' homework now when you can just pawn it off Trey later."

"In order to be an honor student, I have to do this myself," Deuce says, glancing at him. "And what about you? Aren't you going to do your homework?"

"Eh, I can ask Angel to show me hers. She's nice enough do that," he shamelessly admits as he gets a basketball and play with it.

"You can't just rely on Angel every time, you know," Deuce scolds. "She's going to notice something sooner or later."

"Yeah, right, with her naïve nature, I can just get answers from tests if I ask her," Ace smirks. "All I have to do is bat my eyelashes, look sad, and she's hooked."

Deuce sighs. "You shouldn't take advantage of other people's kindness. It's wrong."

Ace snorts. "I know I'm not hearing what's right and what's wrong from a former delinquent."

Deuce growls at the statement then sighs. "You know, I don't have time for this. I'm going to do this homework. Don't interrupt me."

Ace rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say."

"Okay, I think I'm getting it," Deuce mumbles as he looks at his homework, seeing that he was almost done with it. The answers might need work, but I'll get there when I get there.

While Deuce was working for the past hour, Ace has been focusing on another tasks, mainly reading a book on magic tricks for his next trick while trying it out with cards. The practice came with a few mistakes, but eventually got the hang of it, mastering it quickly. All he had to do was test it out on someone just to see if he actually got it. He looked around, seeing that the only two people left in the room was him and Deuce. He did wonder where the other two boys went, seeing them as they left the dorm, getting food, about an hour ago. While waiting, he looked over to Deuce doing his homework, smirking every time Deuce growls at a question and having, what he considers, a stupid thinking face when he was stuck on a question or two. An Idea came to him. Maybe I should help him out, he thinks as he looks at the cards in his hand. He picks up a card and held it between two fingers, flipping it, only to flick it at Deuce, missing him and landing a bit off his desk. He frowns, thinking he's going to have to get that card back later, but shrugged it off, thinking it's at least something to do. He picked up another and did the same thing, actually hitting the back of his head before falling on the floor. Deuce looked at the card then looked at Ace, a smirk on his face as he glares at him then continues back on work. Ace does the action again, missing Deuce, making Deuce have a hidden smirk while Ace frowns. He performs the action again, the card landing right on top of his homework, making him growl.

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