🐙The Merchant from the Depths🐙 Chapter 21

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Later that night, after getting situated on her makeshift bed, Angel looks at the ceiling, thinking about the events of the day and contract. Her, Jack, and Grim decided that they should follow the upperclassmen's advice and try to find a way to break the contract, seeing if they could find some kind of loophole or hint that could help them out of the contract and free the students. She sighs, careful not to wake Leona or Grim sleeping on their respective beds and gets up and tiptoe to the balcony, seeing that Leona's ears didn't move as she carefully heads to the balcony, and look at the moon shining from the sky. She stares at it for a while, hoping that it would at least ease her worries of the remaining time she might have left as a free student. What am I going to do? She thinks as she continues to stare at the moon. The moon only stare down at her, and she knew she wasn't expecting the moon to reply to her thought, no matter how weird this world was her. To be honest, she would probably faint in fright if it DID reply to her, but she rather not entertain the thought. The moon didn't reply to her but looking at how serene it was did help her feel a little better about the situation, even though the odds were stacked against her. She looked at her hand and her mind wanders. Would things have been different if she had magic? If she had magic, could she have figured out Azul's game from the start? Would everything play out in the way she wanted it to be if she had some? She puts her hand down and look at the sky, the same moon and stars still there as she continues to let her mind wanders. Magic equals power, that's for sure, but there are people who use it respectively, that's what magic schools are for. In a land where anyone can have power, there's the laws of chaos and order. For people who uses powerful magic, they will suffer the consequences of overblot and require those people to follow the laws to retain order. If I had magic, would I be able to get anything I want? Would I be respected for once? Would I be equal as the others, not a sight of pity, but a sign of equality? Would I be able to harm those who gets in my way? She blinks, not really expecting the thought to appear in her head, and her head starts to throb, as if saying don't think about that. She holds her hand to her hand, hoping that it would calm down, and after a while it did. She puts her hand down and look at the railing she was leaning on, thankfully catching her as she went through her little moment of pain. "What happened...?" She mumbles quietly, knowing that these headaches usually don't occur unless she's trying to remember something or seeing onset of overblot while it happens. She gasps and look behind her, hoping that her mumbling didn't wake up Leona as he only turns around in his bed and snores, making her sigh in relief at the fact that his ears didn't pick up on her mumbling. She looks back at the sky, seeing that the clouds have started to cover the moon. I should sleep, it's getting late. She carefully tiptoes back to her spot and lay down on the couch as she's about to head back to sleep. Right now, I need to focus on the task at hand. I need to help my friends first before anything else. She thinks as she starts to doze off, eventually falling asleep.

Time until Azul's contract expires: Two days

During the lunch break, the trio told Ace and Deuce about the advice Leona and Ruggie they gave them, hoping they might have figured something out by talking to the upperclassmen, and the plan they came up with. "Finding a way to tear up an unbreakable contract?" Ace asks the trio then smiles. "Sweet! It's def underhanded, but hey."

"That approach does seem like it would have a far better prospect of working," Deuce says with a smile after thinking about the situation. "I have to agree with Ace here, though."

"Aw, shaddup!" Grim says angrily at Deuce. "If we stick to our morals, we'll be stuck with morays!"

"That, and Azul's group cast the first stone," Jack states. "They told us to get a photo from under the sea, fully intending to thwart us at every turn. Leona may play dirty, but he's a brilliant playmaker. I think his idea's worth a shot."

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