🦁The Usurper from the Wild🦁 Chapter 17

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Once the four reach the cafeteria, they look around, seeing any sign of Jamil in the busy cafeteria despite the students filling in, getting their breakfast before classes start.

"Jamil has long, black hair. Let's see..." Cater says as he looks around, spotting someone that fits his description. "Ah, there he is!" Cater points in which everyone follows his finger, seeing two students, one who fits Cater's description and other one with short gray hair and red eyes. The four only walks up to the two, with the both of them looking at the four in surprise.

The gray-haired boy looked at the four, specifically Angel as he smiles at her. "Oh! I remember you! You're the one who help me when my rear was on fire! Never thought someone would use their robe like that!"

Angel only blinks at him then a blush forms on her face, the memory coming up. She remembers taking off the oversized robe at orientation and patting him down with it, trying to put him out. Angel could only look down, mortified at the fact that someone at least remembered that moment of her. Why did that have to be the first thing that pops up in his head?! She only tries to use her hair to hide, hoping that no one else heard him and looked at him. Cater and Riddle could only look at the girl in sympathy at the fact that 1) she was reminded at the fact that she was half naked at orientation and 2) someone had the nerve to say it out loud.

The person who was named Jamil only sigh at the gray-haired boy's bluntness. "Kalim, you are being rude. I'm sure she didn't want to remember the memory from her reaction," he says looking at the girl hiding in her hair.

Grim steps up. "You're the guy who got banged up in the kitchen yesterday, right? Mind if we chat?" He says to Jamil. The teens only sigh at Grim's bluntness.

"What is this? An inquisition?" Jamil asks, crossing his arms.

Kalim looks at Grim, eyes wide in surprise. "Oh, hey! That's the weasel who set my rear on fire at orientation!"

Riddle steps up. "Grim. You need to work on your tone. Tact is important for these sorts of things," he scolds Grim and faces the two. "Forgive us for interrupting your breakfast."

"Wow, the Heartslabyul housewarden and the fire-spitting weasel. Ahaha, what a fun combo!" Kalim laughs at the two.

"I ain't a weasel!" Grim says angrily, crossing his arms. "The name's Grim. And that's my minion, Angel." Angel could only sigh at Grim. I need to constantly remind him I'm not a minion.

Kalim could only smile at Grim's statement. "Huh! Well, I'm Kalim, Scarabia's housewarden. And this is my vice housewarden, Jamil," he says as he introduces both of them.

Grim only stares at shock. "Uh...sure. Man, this guy throws me off."

"So, why are you asking about my accident?" Jamil asks the four.

"We're here at the headmage's behest," Angel says, the embarrassment going away, making Jamil think.

"The headmage? Huh..." Jamil thinks for a moment. "Well, okay. Last night, I was in the kitchen frying up some lamb rolls at Kalim's request."

"Oh man, you guys have NO idea how amazing Jamil's lamb rolls are. You've gotta try 'em on day," Kalim says happily, interrupting Jamil.

"Can we stay focused here, Kalim?" Jamil asks.

"Ah, right. Sorry!"

"When I was chopping the ingredients, it was like my knife hand went wild and cut my other hand all on its own." Angel could only gasp at how severe the situation was.

"That's dangerous! You could have been severely hurt!" She yells, making everyone look at her. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Someone could have been seriously hurt and the culprit is causing this! She clenches her fist for a moment, only to calm down and continue listening to the two.

"It makes no sense! Even the dorm's head chef can attest to Jamil's legendary knife skills," Kalim added. "Were you tired from Spell drive practice, maybe?"

"No. Not so tired I couldn't control my hands," Jamil says with his hand on his chin. "But at one point while I was cooking, I did feel kind of light-headed."

"You got dizzy?" She asked after calming down.

"Most people would think that, but I know that sensation. I think I was feeling the effects of someone's signature spell," Jamil explains.

Everyone look at Jamil, thinking about his statement.

"Oh, right! Because your signature spell is-" Jamil quickly puts his hand over Kalim's mouth. "MMMPH!" Jamil releases his hand. "Pfft! Why'd you put your hand over my mouth?!" Kalim asked Jamil angrily.

"Because we're not talking about me here," Jamil quickly says. "Anyway, my theory is that someone was controlling my movements with magic."

"Interesting..." Cater thinks. "That WOULD be a way to hurt people and have it appear like it was nothing more than the victim's own carelessness."

"And if it only lasted an instant, even the victim might perceive it as his own mistake," Riddle adds. "When I nearly fell down the stairs, I never felt as though I was being controlled against my will."

Angel thinks for a moment. "Actually, I didn't feel it either. I thought it was my own fault."

"Well, I guess this is kind of a lead? What's our next move, guys?" Cater asks the three.

"A spell that can control someone..." Grim mumbles. "If I could learn how to cast that, I could really clean up on bakery day!" He says with a smile.

"Such simple-mindedness...Truly, Grim? That's as far as your ambitions extend?" Riddle says, disapproving Grim's statement.

"Man, imagine eating all the deluxe grilled cheese I wanted-" Grim stops. "Huh?"

"Ah!" Angel exclaims. "Speaking of deluxe grilled cheese..."

"Might you be willing to trade your deluxe grilled cheese for this very exciting hot dog bun?" He says as he holds out a hot dog bun in front of Grim.

Angel only looks at the bun in confusion while Grim looks at the boy with an annoyed look. "Whaaaat?! You must be outta your mind, dude!"

"Oh, come now." The boy says with a smile. "Let's not be like that. Here, have the hot dog bun. I insist." The boy holds his hand out and in return, Grim holds the paw the sandwich was in, making both Angel and Grim shocked by the action.

"Myah? What in the name of tuna...?! My paws are movin' on their own!" Grim says as the boy takes the grilled cheese sandwich from Grim's paw and put the hot dog bun in his paw in return.

"AAAAHHHHH!" Grim and Angel screams, making everyone look at them in surprise.

"WHOA! Why are we screaming?!" Kalim asks, confused at the two.

"I, Grim, Expert Detective, have solved the case! I know who's got that signature spell!"

"What?" Riddle says.

"The culprit is...Ruggie Bucchi!" Angel yells, making everyone wide their eyes at the revelation.

"Ruggie? That lil' dude from Savanaclaw?" Cater says in disbelief.

"Let's track him down and see what he has to say," Riddle says, ready to find Ruggie.

"Hmmm...." Cater looks at his phone. "Looks like Ruggie's in class 2B."

Riddle turns to the Kalim and Jamil. "Thank you both for your cooperation!"

"I'm still kinda lost here, but good luck!" Kalim says with a big smile. Jamil only stares at the four.

"Then let's go!" Angel says, making the boys surprised at the girl taking charge, but head towards the classroom nonetheless.

Jamil and Kalim only look at the four leaving the cafeteria, curious about the situation. "They look like they're having fun, huh Jamil?" Kalim says to Jamil.

"I wouldn't say fun," Jamil says with a sigh.

"Hey! I bet Angel would seem like a fun person to hang out with!"

Jamil thinks for a moment. "She is quite an intriguing person I admit..."

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