🌹The Red Rose Tyrant🌹 Chapter 25

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After the barrier was formed, Angel opened her eyes, finding out that she was laying down. She looked around and see that what was once outside with the hedges, trees, grass, and sky was just darkness. She glances around, noticing that there wasn't anything in sight, with no light source to help her out. The only light that shows is the light emanating from the girl, who instead of wearing her uniform, is wearing a white dress instead. She starts to get up, feeling that the ground beneath her wasn't exactly "ground", instead it felt wet and sticky, almost as if she was standing in a thick liquid. She noticed that the liquid didn't get on her dress, almost as if the dress was repelling the liquid. She looks around her and notices that nothing was there, and even if it was there, the darkness was just too thick to see through, but the one thing she did notice was that Riddle was no where to been seen. Riddle was right next to her before she ended up in this darkness but now, he isn't, making her worried.

"Find him, little one, and you can help him," A voice said, making her confused at the suggestion.

"How can I find him?" Angel asks, but the voice doesn't respond to her. Angel could only stare at her surroundings, not really giving her much direction or even a path to where to find Riddle. She slowly closes her eyes and think for a moment. If all things failed, she might be stuck in this void, eventually making both her and Riddle lose their lives, so the best bet was to just walk in the direction that just felt comfortable with her. She opened her eyes and made up her mind, and after looking around, she started walking straight ahead, leaving everything to fate.

She slowly walks ahead, carefully holding her hands out to avoid bumping into anything that's probably in front of her, only to put her hands down after a while when realizing that there was nothing in front of her. She glances around, looking for any sign of Riddle or any attacks that might pop out of her, becoming nervous as she continues walking, but steeled herself to trying to find the boy. She walks, the sound of her footsteps hitting the liquid which each and when she looks down at her bare feet, she realizes that the liquid doesn't stick to her, just like her dress. As she continues walking through the darkness, she sees a figure ahead, staring at nothing. From what she saw, she noticed dark red hair, and gasps at the fact that it's Riddle, in his dark glory, his red eyes staring at the darkness in front of him. Angel sped up, walking towards him, but right when she was about to be a few feet behind him, she felt like she was sinking. She noticed that as she gets closer to him, the liquid around her softens, making her sink. She noticed that his body was halfway in the ground, continuing to stare at the darkness in front of him. She only grits her teeth and attempted to get closer to him, sinking further in the ground as she gets next to him, the liquid stopping halfway on her body. She looks at Riddle, only for him not to notice her and stare ahead of him, almost as if in a daze. She looks towards the direction he was staring at and a scene forms in front of them.

It contained a woman and little boy, who Angel realizes is Riddle from his red hair and gray eyes. The woman places some sort of cake in front of him, while Riddle only stares at it.

"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle," the woman says, confirming Angel's deduction. "This year's birthday cake is a low-sugar recipe made with nuts and lecithin-rich soy flour to improve your cerebral function." Angel mentally gags at the description of the cake, leaving a bad taste in her mouth.

"Thank you. But Mom..." Riddle says, giving a hopeful glance to his mother. "Just once, I'd like to try one of those tarts covered with bright-red strawberries..." Riddle trails off, but his mom looked at him in anger.

"Absolutely not! Those tarts are monstrously unhealthy. I might as well feed you poison! Even just a single slice would exceed your recommended daily intake of sugar," She states, and Riddle just looks down in shame for the request. "Now, dinner tonight will be a tuna sauté rich in DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. Now that you're eight, your caloric intake should be 600 kilocalories per meal, so don't eat more than 100 grams of it. Understood?" She asks Riddle, looking at him for confirmation.

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