🐙The Merchant from the Depths🐙 Chapter 19

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Once the three arrived at the dorm and took a much needed shower, they sat at the lounge, sighing at the events of the day. Who knew that the twins were actual merman and the fact that they expected this to happen? With only almost two days remaining, they weren't anywhere near their target, especially if they got the twins inhibiting their progress. The sighs did not go unnoticed by Ruggie and Leona, as they looked at the freshmen, and seeing that Angel was brushing her hair and letting it dry out after her shower. "What's wrong with you froshes?" Ruggie says as he looks at the three, and they all tell them about the events of the day, from heading to the Coral Sea to the twin's interference. The upperclassmen only listen intently to their story. "What? You guys actually went to the Coral Sea?" Ruggie asks the three and they nodded.

"Hah!" Leona sighs. "How stupid can you get?"

"Mrah?! But you're the guy who said to 'get the ball rolling' right now!" Grim angrily exclaims.

"Hmph. I never said anything about diving headlong into the sea," Leona says as he crosses his arms. "Your time's limited. What I was suggestin' was that you use your head and find a worthwhile use of your time. Challenging merfolk head-on in the water is a losing proposition no matter how you slice it. It's like walking into a carnivore's mouth."

"Wait," Jack says as he processes the upperclassmen's words. "Did you guys know the twins were actually mermen this whole time?"

"Maybe," Leona states.

"I saw Floyd in his natural form at a joint swimming class last summer, and boy, let me tell you: if that guy came after me in the water, I'd be done for. End of story," Ruggie sighs.

"It would have been nice to know that beforehand!" Jack glares.

"Last I checked, you were the guys who ran off half-cocked without bothering to gather any intel. I would've been happy to share it all in detail if you'd asked," Leona smirked.

"Yeah! You gotta cover your bases before you start pickin' fights, y'know? Shyeheehee!" Ruggie snickers. "Back at the Savanna, you gotta tread carefully if you don't wanna end up as someone's dinner." Angel thought about the words, remembering what Jade said about covering his bases. No wonder they went after us, we didn't know anything about them or the conditions of the deal.

"Grrr...." Grim growls. "You're the same couple of scheming jerks as always!"

"Does this mean Azul was planning on interfering from the start when he made the offer?" Jack asks.

"Uh, duh? Obviously?" Leona states.

"The Leech brothers are Azul's top men. They're known for collecting all collateral and compensation from his contractors, and rumor has it they run interference to make sure the contract terms can't be met," Ruggie explains, putting his head behind his head and leaning back in the seat.

"What a bunch of low-dowm, dirty cheaters!" Grim grumbles. "Urgh...If Angel loses, am I gonna be stuck workin' day and night for Azul forever?" He whines.

Angel looks at Grim with a half-smile. "I'm sure we'll manage something. Pretty sure, at least..." She says, at least trying to get some hopes up. If I lose, I'll be stuck under Azul's orders as well. We only got only one shot at this... She sighs, trying to think of something that could at least help them out of this predicament, even if it's a little hint. Leona watches her pensive face, seeing that she's trying to think of a loophole or at least a plan to get the photo. He only sighs, getting Ruggie's attention.


"Azul's signature spell is a golden contract scroll called It's a Deal," Leona explains, making the underclassmen look at him. "It enables the caster to take one power from a target if that target signs the scroll. In addition, in the event of a contract breach, the breacher is compelled to obey Azul's every command to a T."

"They say spells with tricky activation requirements are especially potent, but man..." Ruggie shrugs. "Isn't that messed up?"

"When the power gets taken, it's sealed inside the contract and made available to use as it suits him."

"Wait, so all those times Azul busted out different sortsa high-difficulty spell like it was nothing..." Jack comments.

"I bet you anything that those were the powers he swiped from contractors as collateral," Ruggie finishes.

Jack only glares and clenches his fist. "That's nuts! That means he's cheating at everything!"

"Technically, no," Ruggie says. "As far as signature spells go, his is crazy high-level. Guy's gotta have some chops to pull something like that off."

"I've never put my power up for collateral, so I've got no idea how it works, myself."

"Wait, then what DID you put up for collateral?" Jack asks Leona.

"Grrr...." Leona growls as he looks away from the freshmen. "What's it matter? It's all in the past anyway." He looks back at the freshmen, crossing his arms. "ANYWAY. Contracts with him'll last as long as that special scroll is around. Which is why Azul makes very carefully worded offers."

"And then gets sucked to sign on with terms they can't possibly meet," Ruggie finishes.

"The only way to win against Azul is to not make a contract at all. Heh," Leona chuckles.

"Mrooooow....What are we supposed to do?!" Grim whines.

Angel thinks for a moment. If I could figure out the contents or at least how the spell is activated, there might be a chance to beat him at his own game... She thinks as she looks at the upperclassmen in front of her. She only sighs. "Please, share some insights with us!" She pleads with the two.

Leona scoffs. "Don't turn to other people right off the bat, dimwit," he scolds her. "Come on, I know you're not that dense." He smirks. "How do you win against someone stronger than you? You use your noggin. But, hm..." He says as he looks at her. "If I were in your shoes..."

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