Prologue Chapter 17

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With the four running out of the mine, the sounds of the monster still behind them.

"MYYYY STOOOOOOOOOONE!" the monster yells as they all escape the mine, eyes widened in fear at the monster's determination to get the stone.

"No way! Even after all that weight its still chasin' us?" Ace yells as the four run towards the trees, trying to catch their breaths with the magestone still in Angel's hands. They looked back to see the monster still chasing them, continuously yelling, "Oooooooooooooogh...! Giiiive it baaaack...!"

The four had to stop their break and run towards the house, hoping that it wouldn't chase them as far, but their hopes were dashed when they look to see the monster still following them. Exhaustion was starting to show on everyone's face as they eventually reach the house.

"It's too fast! It's about to catch us!" Deuce says as he turns around and stands in front of Angel, with Ace following suit, trying to protect the girl from the monster getting her.

As Deuce says this, Angel peeks through the gaps of the boys' arms, seeing that something was off. The monster, that used to charge full speed chasing them, was moving slower than normal, making Angel gasp. The plan worked after all! "Ace, Deuce," Angel calls them quietly and they both glanced down at her while keeping their protective stances. "The monster is moving slower! We've weakened it!" The boys look at the monster and see what she meant. From what she said, the monster was about 15 feet away from them, limping slowly towards them, while groaning in pain. They both widen their eyes at the realization. "If we strike now, we might be able to take care of it once and for all!" Angel concluded as the boys stare at her in disbelief. The boys glanced at the monster then at Angel, only for them to get their pens ready to attack.

"Aw, fine! Let's smash the thing. Try not to wet yourself, Deucey!" Ace says as he starts off a spell.

"Same to you, Ace!" Deuce snaps back.

Grim jumps off Angel's shoulders and step in front of the boys. "I'm gonna show ya why they call me Grim the Great!" He says at the monster but was aiming it towards the boys behind him, causing both to scoff at his arrogance. Angel took a few steps away from them so they would have space to release their spells and to avoid being hurt as well.

As the monster starts limping towards the trio, Grim releases fireball after fireball at the monster, hitting it in the body, causing the monster to stagger back. While the monster is staggering, Ace summoned the strongest wind he could conjure up to make the monster fall, preventing it from standing up. As the monster lays on the ground, Deuce decided to let his spell out, specifically the cauldron, in which the monster had no choice but to accept the weigh off the cauldron on its body, groaning in pain as the cauldron hits its body. After the cauldron landed on its body, the ghost's head cracked, letting the liquid that was inside to leak out in the ground, signaling that the monster was defeated. At least, that's what Angel hoped it meant since the monster stopped moving afterwards.

Once the monster stopped moving, the three magic users let out a big sigh as they, finally trying to catch their breath from the running and the succession of spells they used. Angel heads over to them, still cautious about the monster in front of them, to check to make sure that the boys and Grim was okay. Deuce and Ace were panting with Ace keeping an eye out for any movement from the monster and Grim was sitting down, catching his breath.

" over?" Ace says as he straightens up, breathing hard while Angel tries to calm Deuce down from his panting.

"I think...we won?" Grim says as he wanders over to the monster to check. The three teens look at Grim in caution, just to make sure nothing would happen, but Grim smiles at them. "I think we did it!"

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