chapter 81

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What? Says Ibrahim..... Yes can I talk with mr Ibrahim? I m Ibrahim khan where is mehak? What happen to her? Mr Ibrahim your wife gave this no to us.... She gave your mobile no but that didn't connect than she gave this no.... Your wife is in the hospital.....Ibrahim says I am coming saying this he runs from there and his family also runs from there they reached in the hospital and Ibrahim asked where is mehak khan? Room no 114 says the staff..... Ibrahim and his family reached in that room and fines mehak was laying in bed.... Ibrahim says mehak..... She sees him and crys he came forward and hugged her.....he asked what Happened doll why you are here? She says Ibrahim baby.... Ibrahim gets scared and sees her stomach and touch her and asked did baby is fine? He shouts and says dr check her right now if something happen to my baby that will not good for you..... Treat my wife and baby..... Mehak says Ibrahim me and baby is fine..... Dr says yes mr khan your wife and child is fine..... Ibrahim and his family takes a breathe of relief. .... Ibrahim asked jaan r u ok? She says yes.... Than mehak says Ibrahim I want to go home..... Ibrahim says yes my jaan we will go home don't worry he asked the dr if he can take mehak home or not.... Dr says you can take her.... After doing all the formalities Ibrahim takes mehak home..... He made her lay down in bed and ask her are you feeling better? I m fine Ibrahim than he ask if you were feeling not well than why you go alone to the hospital? No Ibrahim there is nothing like that actually..... She told everything to Ibrahim hearing all this he gets very angry on aisha, sameer and mehak also he says my dearest wife if you ever go alone anywhere without telling me than you will see the worst side of mine did you get it? She gets scared and says yes.... Now sleep says Ibrahim she sleeps and Ibrahim says to himself I have to end all this now

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