chapter 146

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The next morning they do their breakfast and Adeel Ibrahim goes to their office. tai asks r u ok? she blushes and says yeah I am fine. Then the day went normally and at night Ibrahim again made love to her. A few days go by that Ibrahim daily makes love to her now mehak realizes that Ibrahim is insecure. Mehak right now is sitting in her bed and thinking about last night she remembers that last night she can feel Ibrahim is extremely insecure, just then tai comes, she smiles at her and asks tai can I ask you something? Yeah, ask. Why is Ibrahim the only child of Ammi and dad? As far as I know, they love kids. Tai says mehak when Ibrahim was born Dr says sameera has many accomplishments. Dr says that time they can't save Ibrahim also but by God's blessing, Ibrahim came into this world. Hearing this she gets shocked and says tai I didn't know all this. Tai nobbled her head and went from there. Mehak thinks all day and realizes that she wants her and Ibrahim to relish getting normal. She realizes that Ibrahim didn't trust her and she wants to win his trust. she says to himself it was started with a force of love but will end in true and trustable love 
I promise you Ibrahim I will win your trust you will soon overcome all your insecurities she says all this to herself.         At night after dinner, Ibrahim tries to make love but mehak says Ibrahim can we talk with each other today? what talk ask Ibrahim. I mean we only made love at night can we talk for some time? hearing this Ibrahim gets shocked because mehak never asks him to talk he says what do you want to talk about?

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