Chapter 58 A pawn

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The more Credence spoke, the paler Dorothy's face grew.

As expected, he had heard everything she said.

She was backed up against the wall and had no way to retreat. Her face was extremely pale. However, she gritted her teeth stubbornly and gazed deeply at Credence, who was wearing a gloomy expression.

"Credence, since you've heard everything, I have nothing else to say."

Credence looked at her indifferent expression and thought that her heart must be black. His eyes were filled with annoyance. "Dorothy, you tried every means to marry me four years ago, not because you love me, but because you wanted to take revenge on Rosalie and the Fisher family, right?"

His long and narrow eyes were filled with indifference. He stared at Dorothy's pale face as she tried to make herself seem strong.

Her saying that she loved him was just a joke. From the beginning, she had always regarded him as a pawn in her game with the Fisher family.

He lit a cigarette. The bitter taste of nicotine gradually flowed down his throat and into his stomach.

Credence frowned to suppress the bitter taste and continued smoking expressionlessly.

"You don't have to look at me like that. I know that because of what happened to Rosalie, you hate me and even want me to die in her place!" Dorothy raised her head slightly and looked up at the man in front of her, who seemed to be emitting cold air from every pore of his body. She felt as if she was stuck in an ice cavewith no warmth at all.

"Yes, you are right. I used to treat you as a pawn. I married you so that Rosalie will suffer. My adoptive parents will live very uncomfortably. As long as they can't live in happiness, I will be happy!"

"For the past few years, I've always been on guard living with the Fisher family. I'd always hoped that they would give me some warmth as I was sincere to them. However, I was wrong!"

"No matter how hard I tried to be nice to everyone in the Fisher family, in the end, what I got in return was much less than what I contributed. In the eyes of Rosalie and my adoptive parents, I am just a dog raised by the Fisher family. No matter how hard they tried to make things difficult for me, I had to bear it without complaint. I can't complain, nor be dissatisfied."

"Therefore, when I realized that the person Rosalie likes is you, I knew that it was my chance to escape from the Fisher family and take revenge on them."

All the miserable memories Dorothy had in the Fisher family flashed through her mind.

Their insults were buried deep in her heart. No matter how much time had passed, they were rooted in her memories forever. They would never be erased.

Those who had never experienced it could not relate to it.

Credence had experienced the torments she'd gone through in the Fisher family, so what right did he have to accuse her?

How could he be a pawn to her?

He had always been the only source of warmth and light throughout her fearful teenage years!

Dorothy would never forget that, the first time she met Credence was in the bathroom of the top-level private room in the most luxurious hotel in Talco City.

At that time, she was only 16 years old and had just entered the third year of secondary school. She was at a girl's best age. She was tricked into going to the hotel by her adoptive father, Caleb, through a phone call. When she entered the private room, she did not see Caleb. Instead, there were four or five fat middle-aged men. Seeing her open the door and entering the room, their eyes shone with lewdness. Their turbid eyes looked at her from head to toe, as if she was a commodity that they were waiting to sell for a good price.

She was so scared she turned around to escape. However, two men grabbed her hands and dragged her to the sofa regardless of her resistance. They told her that if she could drink all the wine on the coffee table, they would let her go immediately.

She was naïve enough to believe them. She raised her head and gulped down the expensive wine in large mouthfuls, rendering herself drunk and dizzy.

However, the men did not keep their promises. They told her the truth while staring at her greedily and laughing.

Only then did Dorothy know that for the sake of advancing the Fisher Group, her adoptive father and mother had secretly sold her to these paunchy bosses for more than a million dollars.

At that moment, the despair and grief in her heart were like bottomless seawater.

Even if they raised a dog for sixteen years, they would havegrown fond of the dog. However, Linda and Caleb just treated her as a commodity that could bring great benefits to the Fisher family, trying to squeeze the greatest value out of her.

Oh, her life was worse than a dog's!

Dorothy fell to the ground in despair and watched as the fat men stretched out their hands towards her body. She felt nauseous.

No matter how hard she tried to tell herself that it was to compensate the Fisher family for raising her, she still couldn't stand being insulted by these lust-filled men.

There were bodyguards at the door, so she couldn't escape.

In the end, Dorothy used all her remaining strength to escape into the bathroom and locked the door.

She didn't know how much time had passed before she heard the sound of the lock being unlocked. She hugged her thin shoulders tightly, weeping while crouching on the wet floor.

This time, she really had nowhere to escape!

A man's hand with distinct joints handed her a few pieces of white tissues casually.

In a man's deep and magnetic voice, he said three words to her indifferently, "Wipe your face!"

It was the voice of a stranger, not the voice of one of those fat middle-aged men.

Dorothy raised her head and caught a glimpse of the handsome face of the man.

He gave her a tissue to wipe her face, scolded those fat men,and thoughtfully arranged for his assistant to send her home. Knowing that she didn't want to go home for the time being, he booked a suite at a nearby hotel to settle her down.

She had fallen in love with him the first time they met.

After asking around, she found out that he was the most prestigious man in Talco City-Credence. She could not get in touch with him, given her status as a student.

Dorothy, at the age of sixteen, knew nothing about love, However, she branded the man named Credence at the tip of her heart.

She met him again at Rosalie's 18-year-old birthday ceremony.

Holding a glass of red wine in his hand, he looked arrogant and reserved. With a calm face, he greeted people from all walks of life. Rosalie was holding onto his arm, chatting and laughing. Her young and beautiful face was full of energy, revealing joy and pride.

And he just glanced at Dorothy lightly, like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water.

She dreamt of him every night. However, he had forgotten about her completely and regarded her as a stranger he met for the first time.

How could this be?

How could he forget her?

After that evening banquet, Dorothy made the craziest and worst decision in her life. She wanted to snatch Credence away from Rosalie. She wanted Credence, by hook or by crook, at all cost!

Memories of the past were like sharp blades scraping Dorothy's heart, giving her an indescribable sorrow.

Her sight was hazy as she looked at the handsome man in front of her. She blinked her eyes gently and her tears flowed from the corner of her eyes.

"Credence, let's... get a divorce!".


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