Chapter 141 Game

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Hugo's incident was indeed far bigger, as a human life had been involved.

He had thought that he would be able to cover the story up with money, but he never expected his doings to be published to various media outlets in the afternoon, even as far as making the day's headlines.

In the video, a teenage girl was standing on the top floor of the Fisher Group's office, which was over thirty meters high above the ground. Looking depressed and sad, she was crying sorrowfully while trying to jump off the building.

A crowd of onlookers watched from below.

After half an hour under the blazing hot sun, the girl was still standing there. Then, someone sneered, "Hey, ya jumping? It's so f*cking hot out here."

"If you want to jump, be quick. If you die young, you'll be reborn into something useful. If you die old, you'll turn into a pest instead."

"This is something that can be solved in a single frickin' second. Why are you standing there and dilly-dallying about?"

The crowd continued to watch and boo at

her, hurling whistles and laughter at her.

However, many police officers and firefighters were seizing every second they had to rescue the girl.

After sitting and crying there for a long time, the girl suddenly stood up and jumped down.

At that moment, a tall firefighter, disregarding his own safety, rushed over and firmly grabbed the girl's weak wrist. He shouted in a hoarse voice, "I've got her! Good girl, be good, stay put. I'll pull you up right away."

Unexpectedly, the girl shook herself free from the fireman's grip. She smiled softly and said, "Sir, reality really does hit hard. Thank you, but I'm going to the pearly gates now."

Then, like a bird with broken wings, she showed a quiet smile and calmly faced her death.

The girl's last words were used at the end of the video: "This should have been a beautiful year, yet I'm contemplating the meaning behind my own existence.

After the video was exposed, many righteous and conscience-bound passersby began to search for evidence through various channels. In the end, the road of clues ended at Hugo.

Hugo was a sex-addicted pervert who could not be satisfied with Yvonne's ordinary looks. He often went out to nightclubs with his friends and partook in various types of happiness. When the women in nightclubs could no longer satisfy him, he set his eyes on innocent, young schoolgirls.

In the video, the beautiful, pure girl had happened to enter Hugo's field of vision by chance two years ago. He had spent a lot of money to make friends with her history teacher who was tarred with the same brush, equally obscene and lecherous. One lonely night, after the girl finished her self-study session, she was kidnapped into a car, where they had humiliated her ruthlessly.

After everything was done, they had kicked the girl out of the car and chucked tens of thousands of dollars in her face. Then, they drove away.

After that incident, the girl had lived her life in apathy and suffered from depression. During those two years, she had been given intermittent treatments, but to no avail. In that period, she had tried to commit suicide several times, but she always got rescued.

It was only when she had jumped off a building that she really had ended her life, a life that had not even reached adulthood. Hugo became the center of attention, and the Fisher Group, too, got implicated by the matter. Their stock prices, which had always been strong and steady, plummeted all the way down.

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