Chapter 92 Body in hell, but heart in heaven

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Inside the interrogation room.

The incandescent light above Dorothy made her hair stand on end. Her hands were still in handcuffs as she sat on a black chair that was as tall as a grown man. Sitting across her was a female police officer that was in charge of the case, Ivana Godfrey.

She had initially been responsible for a robbery case. However, she suddenly received a call from another colleague who requested her to be in charge of Dorothy's case instead.

"Dorothy Fisher, what else do you want to say for yourself?"

Ivana knew why her superiors suddenly brought her over. The husband of the beautiful woman in front of her must have made great efforts.

Credence Scott was a well-known name throughout Talco City.

After all, if she was not the one assigned to her, the other ruthless police officer, Kyle Fisher would have been responsible for it anyway.

Apparently, Kyle and Caleb were close to each other.

If Kyle was in charge of Dorothy's case, she would likely suffer a lot of physical pain during the interrogation. Those were the unspoken rules that everyone knew.

Dorothy did not know how much Credence had done for her. She sat on the chair quietly, and even her breathing became slower and more shallow.

The time had already passed for an hour and a half.: Other than repeating that she was the victim, she had not said anything else.

"Officer Godfrey, this was all part of Rosalie's plans. You have to believe me, I am the real victim!"

Dorothy's eyes were glued to the big screen which was replaying the scene where she had pushed Rosalie out of the window on the third floor. No matter what Ivana said, she would only repeat the same statement.

"Dorothy, why don't you just tell me the whole story. Whether you are guilty or not and no matter what crimes you are going to be charged with, it will not be decided by me or you, but the judge."

"Look at the big screen. All evidence points to you. There were even many witnesses at the scene. These pieces of evidence are enough for you to stay in prison for at least twenty years."

"Listen to me, if you don't cooperate with me now, no one else can help you."

Ivana sighed. It was everything she could do, but Dorothy was still not budging.

Who else could help her at her most desperate moment?

Was it going to be Credence or Rosalie?

Dorothy smiled gently and closed her eyes, "Yes, the evidence is so conclusive. It is useless for me to say anything else."

How could she say that she had lost control of herself after inhaling a sweet scent? That she could not control her actions and have turned into a raging murderer?

That was a truly absurd reason.

No one would ever believe her!

After Ivana spoke earnestly for a long time, the interrogation kept going back to square one. She took a deep breath and felt that it was useless to

continue asking any more questions. She pointed at the two young policemen standing behind Dorothy, then frowned and said, "You, take her downstairs and find her a single jail cell."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Immediately, the two policemen took Dorothy away and walked out of the interrogation room.

Dorothy walked in front of them, standing tall and straight.

She bit her lips while her face was pale and calm. She was so thin and slim that she might be blown away with just a gentle breeze.

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