Chapter 174 Credence, can I still trust you

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"Ah!" Dorothy yelled in pain as Credence dragged her forcefully from Juelz's side.

At that moment, the man's aura was cold and his action was rough. Dorothy cringed a little from the pain and was keenly aware that the man was in a bad mood. She did not attempt to resist, allowing the man to tug at her as he pleased.

"Credence, what are you doing? Let her go! You're hurting Dory."

Juelz got mad immediately. He wanted to reach out his hand to help Dorothy ease her pain.

His heart wrenched seeing her in pain.

Credence gave Juelz a cold glare. Just as Juelz's arm was about to reach Dorothy, he pulled her into his embrace, leaving his arm hanging mid-air.

This man had tried to wedge a spot between him and Dorothy for so many years. He also played a huge role in their divorce as well.

However, no matter how disgusting Credence found Juelz's actions, he could not help but feel thankful for the care he had provided to Dorothy and Belle. A conflicting set of emotions stirred in his heart.

Even so, he was not willing to hand Dorothy to him at all.

Credence's face darkened. He stared at Juelz with narrow eyes which were filled with warning. "She is mine. I will take care of her in the future. No need for you to worry."

"Who's yours?"

After she woke up that morning, Dorothy had straight away rushed to the bar to help Germaine and hadn't had time for breakfast. She had only drunk some milk in the taxi. Now, her stomach felt empty and made her feel queasy. And with Credence's rough handling, she could feel her stomach churn in distress, making her feel really uncomfortable.

The uncomfortable pain she felt made her shoot an angry glare at Credence, her tone had turned harsh.

Credence could feel his rage boiling over at the retort. He lowered his head and spoke to her coldly, "If you don't want to be mine, then who do you want to belong to?"

"Credence, can you be reasonable for once? I am free to do whatever I please now, and I'm a single mother above all else. I have no legal relationship with you either so is it really that hard for you to understand that I do not belong to you anymore?"

Dorothy frowned as she spoke. She was not going to sit back and let herself be cowed by the man's anger as he did in their four years of marriage. She turned her head and looked over at Juelz, who had a glum look on his face. His hands still hung mid-air making him look ridiculous.

However, Dorothy felt heart-wrenching and guilty.

Credence's life had always been smooth sailing. He was a strong and domineering man and rarely cared about other people's feelings, including hers.

Back then, under Rosalie's provocation, he had been sure that Dorothy was an unpredictable and unscrupulous vicious woman. He had hurt her and acted cold and indifferent towards her over and over again. He had not believed her innocence before, nor had he even tried to.

At the moment, it was the same all over again. His domineering personality preventing him from listening to her explanations.

Dorothy paused for a moment before she continued,

"Credence, Belle's illness is the only thing on my mind right now. I just want to have her treated as soon as possible. As for everything else, including my personal feelings, I haven't thought about them for the time being. Can't we just let everything else in the future go with the flow?"

If she let her relationship take its course naturally like Juelz, everything might be too late by then.

Credence let out a snort in his heart. He was wise enough to keep his mouth closed, not letting any of his thoughts escape from his mind. Instead, he turned his head to look at the man who was obviously after his woman with a cold expression. He let out a cold smile and began to taunt sinisterly, "Come on Juelz, let's go for a drink. Think you're up for that?"

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