Chapter 178 Died on the spot?!

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Dorothy darted into the pharmacy with Belle in her arms. Her expression showed that she was clearly worried about Credence. The owner of the pharmacy came to greet her after hearing the news. He was a short and plump middle-aged man. He looked like the honest, simple sort. However, when he opened his mouth to speak, anyone could tell that he was related to Jonathan.

"Mrs. Scott, you don't have to worry so much. Mr. Scott is valiant and invincible, after all. As long as he makes a move, he will definitely make those scumbags crave for death like a sex addict would to Viagra!"

Belle was a cheeky little girl. After hearing that odd phrasing, she raised her head and asked Dorothy curiously, "Mommy, what is Viagra? Does it taste good?"

Dorothy felt a little awkward and shook her head, "No, Belle, it's not food."

Once she realised that it wasn't food they were talking about, the little girl lost all interest in the topic and stopped asking anymore questions.

After hearing the child's question, Jonathan's cousin suddenly remembered that Dorothy was not one of his regular customers. He smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, Mrs. Scott, it's hard to slip out of the habit seeing that my store sells... Well, you can take a look around and roughly know what I'm on about. My mouth slipped, sorry again."

Dorothy looked around and realised that that was indeed the case.

The whole shop was around 200 square meters. Within it, all sorts of essential oils and other sex toys were displayed. What's more, she could see blow up dolls and all sorts of female sexual toys right in the centre of the shop. it was a nasty sight to behold.

Dorothy blushed and lowered her head as she quickened her pace to follow the man out the back door. Even the worry she had for Credence had dissipated a little from embarrassment.

She took some comfort in believing Jonathan's cousin's words. Credence had always been a strong and wise individual, so he would definitely be fine.

After returning to the incredibly secretive hospital, Dorothy first sent her daughter to the experts for a check-up. After hearing that her daughter's condition had remained relatively stable and unchanged, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Soon after, she took Belle back into the ward where she helped her daughter into a bath and a fresh set of clothes. She ate a tasteless lunch with her as well.

After eating, Belle began to feel sluggish and laid on the bed, ready to fall into a deep sleep.

Before she fell asleep, she hooked her fingers onto Dorothy's and kept talking about Credence, "Mommy, your birthday is coming, you must make Daddy eat a candlelight dinner with you. He needs to give you the most beautiful roses too. Not red, they're too ugly. They have to be blue, like my eyes."

"Alright, I understand. Why don't you rest first, Belle."

Dorothy lowered her head, kissed her daughter's rosy cheeks, and tucked her into the blanket snugly. She leaned against the hospital bed and took advantage of her free time to scroll through the latest news on her phone.

She saw that every headline was about a series of car accidents. One of them was a casualty of two children and three seriously injured adults. The other one had occurred at the spot near where Credence was driving back from. It was reported that after the accident, three drivers died on the spot.

All three drivers died on the spot?!

Dorothy stared at the news with her eyes blown wide in disbelief.

She remembered that when she was in the car, she heard Credence mention two cars had been following them.

With his excellent abilities, it would be a piece of cake for him to deal with those people. How could he have possibly lost his life just like that?

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