Chapter 68 Loopholes

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"Dorothy, have you really made up your mind?"

Juelz said with a tinge of happiness in his voice, "Don't be sad. Everything is in the past. As long as you are willing, I will always be with you. It doesn't matter if you don't want to marry me. In the future, I won't leave you alone even if I marry another woman. You will always be the most important woman to me! Are you surprised or moved?"

"Come on, show me your smile if you're happy!"

Dorothy could feel the warmth brought by his hearty teases and sincere concerns.

At that moment, she could not help but cry. Her tears streamed down her cheeks. She looked up at him and showed him a tearful smile, "Thank you, Juelz."

"Credence, you see, I accidentally saved Juelz's life, and he treats me like his family and cares for me all the time."

"But what about you?"

"I'd loved you for ten years and given you everything I had during this four-year marriage without any complaint. However, you hurt my feelings and forced me to donate my kidney to Rosalie. You even killed my innocent child and forced me to give up on you..." Dorothy muttered in her heart.

She covered her mouth and leaned against the front passenger seat. Her heart ached so much she felt as if her heart had been shot many times.

Goodbye, Credence!


Juelz, who was at the crossroads waiting at the traffic light, saw a familiar black Maybach speed by his car.

The corner of his mouth lifted into a proud smile. He quickly rolled down the window and waved his hands proudly at the man in that luxury car. He mouthed silently, "Goodbye!"

Dorothy's eyes were shut tight as she leaned against the back of the passenger seat. She didn't pay attention to what Juelz did. She didn't notice that Credence was driving in the opposite direction on the driveway. He was only a lane away from her.

A shrill braking sound could be heard.

Credence sat in the car with a cold expression. He looked out of the rolled-down window and stared at Juelz's black car which was driving away.

Dorothy's pale and gaunt face flashed across his deep eyes.

He was gazing at her. However, she didn't pay attention at all. She was leaning near Juelz and resting with her eyes closed.

It was the peak of working hours. Hence, there were innumerable vehicles on the road. It was so crowded it was hard to see the end of the road. It was too late for Credence to turn his car around to chase after them.

Credence furrowed his eyebrows and started smoking. With just a glance, he managed to remember Juelz's car plate number. His gaze was as calm as still water yet cold. He smashed the cigarette butt in his hand into bits.

At the next intersection, he parked the car at the side of theroad and gave Benjamin a phone call. He ordered coldly, "Contact the RTA right now. The license plate number is A74100. I want the whereabouts of this car starting now. The more detailed, the better."

"Yes, sir."

Benjamin suddenly thought of an urgent matter. "Mr. Scott, I have gained the official approval from the Notary Public Office and am planning to pass it to Mrs. Scott. Half an hour ago, I gave her a phone call, but I couldn't reach her. I sent a message to her on WhatsApp as well as a text message. However, I have not received any replies from her."

Upon hearing this, Credence clenched his phone and said with a frown, "Hold on. Go to the technical department to delete the WhatsApp and text messages you sent to Dorothy. Ensure that she won't receive any information about the divorce agreement on her phone."

Dorothy had already left the villa in anger. It would be harder for Credence to bring her back upon seeing the messages.

After getting Benjamin's affirmative answer, Credence hung up the phone call, and then threw the phone onto the passenger seat. He raised his hand to press on his forehead, which was growing sore.

Soon, the phone, which had been silent for half a minute, rang again.

His gaze fell on his phone. The phone call was not from Benjamin. Instead, it was from Victor Forbes, the most experienced private detective in Talco City that was hired byCredence.

He reached out for his phone and asked indifferently with a frown, "How's the investigation going?"

What they were going to investigate was the incident where Dorothy had pushed his father off the balcony when both of them were on the balcony. Due to the accident, his father's brain suffered damage and he became a vegetative patient.

As an elder, his father's attitude toward Dorothy was normal. He didn't trouble Dorothy, nor did he get too close to her. Dorothy didn't have any motive to do that.

However, at that time, all the witnesses at the scene had confirmed that it was Dorothy who did it, and the surveillance camera also recorded Dorothy reaching out to push his father off the balcony...

At that moment, ignoring his prejudice towards Dorothy, Credence realized that there was something amiss in that case.

How could there be so many coincidences?

Coincidentally, the old housekeeper who had been taking care of his father for many years, was not feeling well and was sent to the hospital. Coincidentally, only Dorothy and her father were on the balcony. At that time, there were no servants serving them on the balcony. Coincidentally, his father fell from the balcony when Dorothy's hand reached out to him.

At that time, Credence was pretty sure that Dorothy had done something to his father. In a rage, he dismissed all the servants. The servants hurried to pack up their luggage andleft, causing the footprints at the scene to be extremely messy. All the useful evidence and traces were destroyed completely.

At that moment, recalling the incident, he realized that he had ignored many loopholes as he was too furious.

"Mr. Scott, the investigation is not very smooth! After that incident, the old housekeeper resigned and returned to his hometown. I went to his hometown and realized that he had passed away at the beginning of this year. He had two sons and one daughter. However, they know nothing about the incident as he didn't tell them anything at all."

No secrets could be revealed once the person who knew them died.

"That's it?"

Unable to get any useful information, Credence closed his eyes and smoked half of the cigarette. Then, he slammed it into the gray ashtray.

Victor, who was about to hang up the phone, suddenly sounded urgent and cautious.

"Mr. Scott, there is one more thing I have to report to you. Before the housekeeper passed away, there was a certain amount of money transferred into his bank account every year. The depositor is your wife. Do you know about it?"

Victor could not solve these questions in his mind.

Dorothy was Credence's wife. However, Credence did not know that she had been transferring money to the housekeeper's bank account every year. This was too...

There were too many stories behind a wealthy family.

"Okay, got it."

Credence was holding his handphone and his face darkened. His voice was deep and unfathomable as he spat out this sentence and quickly hung up the phone call.

At the same time, Benjamin received a message informing him of the location of Juelz's car.

They went all the way north from Eastlake Road to Talco City's Airport. What was strange was that Dorothy and Juelz disappeared after getting out of the car, leaving only the black car in the parking lot.

D*mn it!

After reading through the message, Credence closed his eyes before opening them again. His eyes were as sharp as blades as they gazed ahead calmly. There was not a single hint of emotion in them, and they looked even colder than before.


He slammed his fist against the steering wheel, and his gaze was unfathomable..


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