Chapter 82 An indescribable happiness

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The doctor looked at her exhausted yet beautiful face, which seemed to be extremely delighted. The doctor merely smiled and repeated the earlier instructions.

After that, the doctor reminded, "Remember, you I mustn't have sex in the first trimester. If you do, you child might..."

Dorothy had confirmed the doctor's words. She really was pregnant with a healthy little baby! Her heart, which had been desolate and in despair, suddenly felt an indescribable sense of joy.

It was her child!

Dorothy cried with joy. She reached out and touched her abdomen gently, trying to control the expression on her face. "Doctor, how long has the baby been in my womb?"

The doctor nudged the glasses on her nose and stared at the ultrasound on the computer screen. He did a rough calculation and said, "About eighty- five days, Congratulations! Your baby is very healthy."

It had already been 85 days?

Wasn't that around the same time she miscarried?

Suddenly, Dorothy felt at a loss. Should she feel surprise, shock, or the joy of knowing she was going to be a mother? However, when she thought of the foetus she had lost, the joy she felt faded by a little.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Dorothy clasped her hands nervously and asked softly, "Doctor, I had been pregnant before, but I miscarried. But the date of the miscarriage is about the same as the time this child was conceived. Could it be possible that was pregnant with twins?"

"That's not impossible."

"But... when was pregnant for two weeks, I went for a checkup, and the doctor only told me that I was pregnant. Why did the doctor not inform me that I was pregnant with twins?"

The lady doctor was quite gentle, and as she explained patiently to the dainty and polite Dorothy, "Perhaps your babies were fraternal
twins. Such cases would be easily overlooked by doctors within the first 45 days of pregnancy."

"Then why did one child remain healthy in my womb, while miscarried the other?"

Dorothy bit her lips nervously, as she thought of the innocent baby she had been forced to watch get extracted from her body. Her heart ached greatly and tears welled up in her eyes. "Doctor, sorry to trouble you. have lots of questions, but ! really want to know the actual reason behind all of this."

"It's alright."

Dorothy was polite, so the doctor liked her very much. She smiled and explained, "There are two explanations for this. First, the remaining baby is stronger. The second is that the fetus you miscarried was already congenitally ill, undeveloped, or even deformed. Miss Fisher, could you tell me how you lost your child?"

" husband did not control his strength when we were having sex..."

Dorothy felt a little embarrassed and sad. She looked down with tears in her eyes as she sat opposite the doctor.

The doctor handed over some tissues and said with a comforting smile, "Don't be sad, Miss Fisher. If the child is gone after only one intercourse session, there must be something wrong with its development. This is actually a good thing."

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