Chapter 179 Man's true nature!

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Inside a VIP luxury ward in the government hospital.

Jonathan held the disconnected phone in his hands and winked at the handsome man lying in the hospital bed. He was so delighted that he could not help but laugh, "Credence, I had the speaker on just now, so you must have heard everything clearly, right? It seems like Dorothy is really concerned about you!

Look at how bright your smile is. Don't tell me you've already found an opportunity to do it with her already? Tsk, tsk, all of your pent-up sexual frustration accumulated over those six years must have found its release. If you're lucky, some of that seed might already be growing inside her."

Credence remained emotionless and said coldly, "Shut up! You sure yack a lot."


Jonathan snapped his fingers lightly and smiled, "Credence, at least own up to the deed! If you've done it, why can't we talk about it?"

When all he received in reply was the man's sharp gaze, Jonathan quickly lowered his head and begged for mercy, "Sorry Credence, I was wrong, please spare me. Let's be serious for a while though. You and Dorothy have divorced for almost six and a half years now. Don't you think it's not right to sleep with her like that? Haven't you ever thought about marrying her again?"

Credence gave Jonathan a cold, annoyed look and replied stoically, "I have already asked Benjamin to prepare the necessary arrangements."

"Damn, Credence, you're finally smart for once. I'm telling you, what women yield to most is persistence. The more you bug her, the harder it will be for her to resist.

Also, you must know how to be romantic. Do you know what lovers usually do now? Candlelit dinners and roses are way outdated already. You need to do something more spectacular, maybe take her for a ride in a helicopter and buy her a star in the sky! You need to take her to the south pole, adopt a newborn penguin, and you should also wear matching clothes with her and sing romantic songs together!

Goodness, Credence. I can already imagine you singing in front of Dorothy with that horrible voice of yours. What a scene that would be."

Credence frowned at that. He really wanted to stuff something into Jonathan's blabbering mouth.

And so, he actually did.

Credence grabbed the ashtray on the bedside table and threw it at Jonathan mercilessly.

"Damn, Credence, you're so evil..." Jonathan bemoaned in fright as his handsome face paled. He hurriedly dodged the flying object and quickly walked out of the ward to hide from further attacks.

He took his steps out of the ward with his back facing the exit. However, as he did not have eyes on his back, he suddenly stumbled into something full and soft.

Jonathan had frequented brothels, so he naturally knew what that soft feeling was. He wanted to turn around and see which beautiful woman he had touched. When he turned around, he realized that it was an intern named Minnie Luther, who looked somewhat pretty. He could not help but let out a low whistle, "Hello beautiful, which part of you did I touch just now?"

He may be a mature and rich man, but whenever he saw beautiful women, he would always try to find ways to tease them. When teasing failed and threaded into bickering territory, he found that he quite enjoyed such a development as well.

This was especially the case as Jonathan owned the hospital. There were more female doctors and nurses in his hospital than there were males. For the sake of benefits and getting a promotion, most female doctors and nurses would show affection towards him secretly and out in the open which lead to him subconsciously look at women with contempt, especially beautiful ones.

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