Chapter 63 It hurt here

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After Credence left, Maria rushed to the guest room quickly.

After passing through the cloakroom outside, she opened the door of the bedroom in a panic. Then she shuddered and her lips trembled, "Mrs. Scott, what happened to you?"

Dorothy was still in her messy pajamas. There were bruises on her fair skin. Some of them were purple and black in color. It was shocking at first glance.

Hearing Maria's voice, Dorothy was in so much pain that she couldn't turn her body. She turned her head slowly, and her slender fingers touched her chest gently. There was a weary smile on her haggard face, "Maria, it hurts here. It hurts a lot."

It was so painful she did not have any strength to curse Credence.

Maria's eyes reddened. Her tears streamed down her cheeks, "He... he has gone too far."

He was so cruel to her. He didn't treat her as his wife at all. Instead, he seemed to treat her as his enemy.

Standing by the bed, Maria was at a loss and had no idea what to do. She wanted to help Dorothy get up and change into clean clothes. However, when she saw the injuries all over Dorothy's body that couldn't be hidden, she didn't dare to do so. She was afraid of hurting her.

"Maria, I'm fine. Help me to the shower."

Dorothy gritted her teeth while holding back the pain caused by Credence all over her body. With Maria's help, she walked into the bathtub slowly.

Maria bent over to adjust the right water temperature for Dorothy. She passed Dorothy a clean towel and clothes before speaking with concern, "I'll be waiting outside. Callme if you need anything."


Dorothy nodded wearily. After soaking in the bathtub for about fifteen minutes, her skin turned pinkish. However, she could not remove Credence's scent and traces on her body. She had no choice but to use her remaining strength to call Maria in to help.

When Maria entered the bathroom, she quickly used a dry towel to wipe the water droplets off Dorothy's body. Then, she helped Dorothy get dressed and helped her to the bed.

"Maria, thank you."

Dorothy was weary and looked very dispirited. After thanking Maria, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. She could not sleep soundly.

Recalling what Credence had ordered, Maria could not concentrate on work. She went into the guest room to check Dorothy's condition from time to time.

In the morning, Dorothy's body temperature was still normal. She fell asleep after having some soup.

Meanwhile, Maria received a phone call from Credence. He asked about Dorothy's condition in a cold and casual tone.

Although she was speechless about what Credence had done to Dorothy, Maria still reported everything to him in detail.

She didn't know what was on his mind. He only replied "alright" before hanging up the phone call quickly.

At noon, while Maria was cooking in the kitchen, the nerves of her eyelids started twitching non-stop out of a sudden.

Could it be that something happened to Dorothy?

Maria quickly put aside the knife that she was holding and rushed to the guest room at breakneck speed.

As she approached the huge bed, she saw that Dorothy's face had turned red and that she was murmuring in her sleep. Maria was so scared and her heart almost stopped beating at that moment.

"Mrs. Scott, wh-what's wrong with you?"

Maria approached Dorothy and gently touched her forehead using the back of her hand. Maria could feel the burning heat from Dorothy's forehead. It frightened her so much her face turned pale.

A fever!

Maria stumbled to the bedside table and groped for Dorothy's phone. She quickly gave Credence a call and reported anxiously, "Mrs. Scott has a high fever and she talks in her sleep. Dr. Sanders is not in Talco City as he went to Monticello for an academic exchange this week. Should I send Mrs. Scott to the hospital now?"

The bruises on Dorothy's body had become dark and purplish. She was sleeping on the bed, looking as if she was on the verge of death. Maria was extremely worried seeing her this way.


In the operating theatre of the hospital, the doors of the entrance were closed.

Rosalie's transplant operation had been ongoing for seven hours, from five o'clock in the morning until twelve o'clock at noon. However, it was not over yet.

Credence stood outside the operating theatre, waiting. He remained still, as if he was a calm statue.

Linda thought that this man must be worried about her daughter, Rosalie's safety..

"Credence, don't worry about Rosalie and take good care of your body. The doctor mentioned that she will recover completely if the surgery is successful. There will be no sequelae after that."

In fact, Rosalie's body was healthy, and there was nothing wrong with it. She had created all these lies to make Credence hate Dorothy even more.

Only when Credence hated Dorothy would their divorce be settled as soon as possible.

To protect his dignity as a man, it would be impossible for Credence to keep in touch with Dorothy after the divorce.

Then Rosalie could seize the opportunity.

As long as their daughter married Credence, the Fisher family would be able to thrive. They would possess power, status, and wealth.

Linda was excited thinking about that. She looked at Credence with affection.

Upon hearing what Linda said, Credence turned around and gave her a slight nod. His handsome features were shrouded in a gloomy expression. It was obvious that he was not in a good mood at that moment.

Linda was suspicious. She kept glancing at the tall and indifferent man out of the corner of her eyes.

It was strange. Shouldn't he be happy that Rosie will recover after the operation?

Was this gloomy face caused by that b*tch Dorothy again?

It seemed like Dorothy had a greater influence on Credence now.

At that moment, Linda suddenly realized the ulterior motive behind her daughter's plan.

As long as Dorothy continued to stay by Credence's side, that little b*tch would become Credence's beloved one day!

Neither Rosalie nor Linda could accept such a change.

Credence didn't care about what was on Linda's mind. He put one hand in his trouser pocket while holding his phone in the other hand with a calm expression. However, his grip on his phone betrayed his true thoughts.

He was waiting for Maria's call, wanting to know about Dorothy's condition as soon as possible.

Finally, he received her phone call. However, it was not good news.

Dorothy was diagnosed with an acute fever. If it was not handled properly, she would suffer from brain damage.

After hanging up the phone, Credence frowned and then sent a WhatsApp message to Jonathan.

He was a mature man who didn't like to send voice messages. Hence, he typed on the screen quickly with his slender fingers, "Dorothy is sick. Fetch the doctor to my villa quickly!!!"

He typed three exclamation marks to urge Jonathan.

Jonathan liked to flirt with girls using social media whenever he was free. He saw the message from Credence instantly. This was the first time Credence had sent him a WhatsApp message, and it was about Dorothy. He was so shocked he almost threw his phone away.

Credence had finally become smart!

"Got it, I will arrange it right away." Jonathan decided to go to the hospital next door to ask Credence about it. He was so bored at that moment. Finally, there was a good show for him!.


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