Chapter 64 These were mr. Scott's instructions

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Dorothy felt dizzy the whole afternoon.

Even though her mind was hazy, she could still feel Maria worrying about her and taking care of her. She put a towel soaked with cold water on Dorothy's forehead to lower her body temperature.

Dorothy also vaguely heard Maria giving Credence a call. However, the man was indifferent. He did not even call back or arrange for someone to send her to the hospital.

It was as if she was not his wife, but rather a stranger he hated.

"Credence, I hate you!"

Hazily, a crystal-clear and scalding drop of tear flowed out of Dorothy's eyes and then quickly disappeared into her long black hair.

"Mrs. Scott, you're having a fever now, but there is no instruction from Mr. Scott at all. What on earth is he thinking?"

Looking at Dorothy who was lying on the bed with her chapped pale lips, Maria was heartbroken.

No, she couldn't delay it any longer!

She wanted to give Mr. Scott a phone call again and confirm if he had arranged for a doctor to attend to Dorothy.

When she was about to call Credence, she suddenly heard the sound of messy and hurried footsteps outside the door. Several doctors in white coats were led in by the male servants guarding the door in the outer court.

They were all female doctors, wearing work tags from the hospital around their necks. Their names and departments were written on the tags. They were carrying their work cases and various treatment devices.

A young and delicate female doctor nodded at Maria with a smile, "It's Maria, right? Nice to meet you. For your information, we have been instructed by Mr. Scott to come and treat you. Please lead us to Mrs. Scott."

Upon hearing this, Maria breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at the female doctor's name and found out that the doctor's name was Yvonne Wood. She greeted her with a smile, "Dr. Wood, Mrs. Scott is here. Please follow me."

Yvonne had already heard from Rosalie that Dorothy had been staying in the guest room for four years, despite her status as Mrs. Scott. After listening to what Maria said, she lowered her head and curled her lips in disdain. She then put on a perfectly professional smile before raising her head.

The group of people entered the guest room and began the body check-up procedure on Dorothy.

Dorothy's mind was foggy due to her fever. She was weak and didn't notice that there were doctors examining her body.

Yvonne was the leader of this group of doctors. After putting on her mask and gloves, she saw that Dorothy's fair skin was covered with bruises, especially between her legs. Her skin was scratched and reddish. Some parts were even bleeding. It was evident how merciless the person who had hurt Dorothy was.

Under the face mask. Yvonne couldn't help but reveal a faint smile. It seemed that Credence really didn't have any affection for her nominal wife.

He could only be so merciless towards her because he didn't love her at all.

After Yvonne finished the detailed body check-up for Dorothy, she told Maria, who was very anxious, "Mrs. Scott couldn't withstand the intense pain and is in a depressive state. Furthermore, she has been staying in an air-conditioned room all night, resulting in a fever caused by gastroenteritis. I have prescribed two antipyretics for her. You may prepare it for Mrs. Scott."

"Thank you, Dr. Wood."

Maria nodded gratefully. She took the two boxes of medicine and went downstairs to prepare them for Dorothy.

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