Chapter 73 Tired of living

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Dorothy arrived at the wrong time as it was the rainy season in Palm City,

After a few consecutive rainy days, the weather had become cooler. The night sky of the whole city seemed to be shrouded in a layer of dense mist full of chilliness.

Dorothy forgot to wear a coat when she went out. Therefore, she kept sneezing along the way because of the cold weather.

Suddenly, she felt someone following her. Her heart skipped a beat, and she thought about whether she should pretend to shop in a women's clothing store. However, out of a sudden, the black satchel she carried on her shoulder was pulled backward by someone.

Dorothy quickly turned her head. A tall, thin, and obscene middle-aged man was cutting one of her satchel straps with a knife. He then snatched her satchel away and ran to the other side of the street.

There were only a few people on the street and the man ran very fast.

There were not only her ID card, bank card, and other important cards in her bag, but also all the cash she had.

She was so anxious her eyes reddened. She turned around and decided to chase after him while yelling in a hoarse voice, "Stop running! Robbery! There's a thief!"

There were a few shop owners coming out from their shops to rubberneck. However, they just stood at their shop entrance quietly, and no one wanted to offer assistance to Dorothy.

Dorothy was anxious. She bit her lower lip tightly until it almost bled. With all her might, she ran through two main streets to get him. She ran across another bridge without fear. When she was running across the road in heels, her right foot was sprained accidentally. She fell onto the wet and cold cement road.

Coincidentally, her forehead hit a big uneven rock by the road. She could feel a sharp pain. She felt dizzy and was unable to see things clearly. She gritted her teeth and tried to get up despite the pain. With a thud, a black object was thrown from the direction where the thief was running and fell heavily on the left side of her body.

Dorothy opened her watery red eyes to have a look. It looked familiar. It was her black bag that was stolen by the thief!

Under the dim light of the streetlamp, the wretched tall and thin man's figure had already disappeared.

She could not catch up with that thief anymore!

Dorothy glared in that direction with hatred, and got up from the cement road hurriedly. She then limped for about two or three meters and bent down to pick up her bag with difficulty. She looked at it carefully and found that all the cash had been taken by the thief. Fortunately, her important documents were still in the bag.

She looked up and sighed at the gloomy sky. Other than having a headache, she could also feel her heartache.

She turned around and staggered along the way she came from. When she passed the display case of a bakery, she saw the reflection of her miserable look on the glass.

Her hair was disheveled, and her blue dress was stained with dirty water. Her palm was torn and her right foot was swollen like a steamed bun. Her forehead was bleeding and there were also some bloodstains on her face. It fit the image of a divorced woman who lost her husband and her marriage very well.

Dorothy stared at her miserable appearance reflected on the transparent display case for a long time. Suddenly, the corner of her mouth rose up, and a bitter smile of self-mockery graced her lips.

It had only been a few days since she left Credence, and she was already living so miserably. She was really a failure!

After calming her mind, Dorothy dragged her aching body and walked into a pharmacy. She bought some sterilized cotton swabs and gauze using her debit card. Under the female waiting staff's patient guidance, she squatted down on the cold floor in front of a mirror and cleaned up the wound on her hand and forehead in silence.

The waiting staff asked, "Miss, do you need some anti-inflammatory cream? Your wounds will recover faster if you apply the anti-inflammatory cream together with some disinfectant."

"No, thank you."

Dorothy hesitated for a moment and then shook her head gently.

She had looked through the drugs roughly. One box of anti-inflammatory cream costed more than 30 dollars, and those with quicker effects were even more expensive. She did not have much money in her bank. Therefore, it would be better for her to save her money.

During her four years of marriage, although Credence used to give her the silent treatment and turned blind eye to her concern and flattery, he was very generous when it came to money. He had never mistreated her in terms of materials.

If she was not greedy for his affection and, instead, behaved well as his wife, Mrs. Scott, she could be living a wealthy and luxurious life.

However, what she wanted from him was never money, but the cold heart inside his broad chest.

If she couldn't get his heart, she would rather not have his money.

Therefore, she placed the unlimited credit card he gave her on the nightstand in the bedroom after leaving him. They did not owe each other anything at all.

Thinking of the cold man whom she loved with all her heart, but had hurt her the deepest, Dorothy shed her tears silently while cleaning her wounds.

She thought that she would feel better after crying.

Unexpectedly, she could feel that her heartache was growing even more severe, It was as if her heart was stabbed by a knife and there was a stinging pain as she breathed. She was almost out of breath due to the pain.

"Credence... Credence, which part of me isn't better than Rosalie? What part of me isn't perfect? Why do you like her instead of me?

"Is it because of my bad temper or clumsiness? Did I do something wrong that made you angry and dissatisfied? Tell me and I will correct myself. I can correct all of them. Just tell me!" Dorothy thought to herself.

The female waiting staff who was on duty in the drugstore stared blankly at the young woman squatting on the floor with tears streaming down her pale face, as she wept uncontrollably.


Credence, who was taking a nap on the plane, suddenly trembled. He abruptly opened his bloodshot eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, "Benjamin, how long will it take to reach Palm City?"

As Credence's personal assistant, Benjamin was sitting closest to Credence. He was browsing through all kinds of company documents that he carried with him while paying attention to his boss.

Hearing Credence's question, he felt his heart tighten. He glanced at his wristwatch quickly and replied respectfully. "Mr. Scott, it'll take about 25 minutes more."

"Credence, what happened? Are you having a nightmare?"

Jonathan stood up from the sofa on the other side, squinting his sleepy eyes. He yawned and walked over to Credence. He realized that the man without any facial expression was in a cold sweat. Seeing that he was about to get up, he immediately dragged Marvin and rushed to hold Credence down together. When they touched his hot skin, they were in a panic.

"D*mn, you're having fever because of your gastritis. Why are you still tormenting yourself like this? Are you tired of living?"

Marvin followed and said, "Credence, listen to your brother, and take care of yourself! Even if you want to end your life, you must survive until you reach Palm City and then die in front of Dorothy."

Jonathan was rendered speechless.

A special-forces soldier who only knew how to fight could be really sharp-tongued.

Benjamin nodded as well, "Mr. Scott, if you're living healthily, Mrs. Scott will be healthy as well!"

"I know my own body well. I won't die for the time being!"

Credence squinted his bloodshot eyes, pressed his painful throat, and shouted in a hoarse voice, "She's crying. She's shedding tears. I can see her, but I can't get close to her and offer her any help. You will never understand this helpless feeling.".


My Husband Hates Me ( Book 1 )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz