Chapter 103 An extremely secret private life

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Benjamin sat in the driver's seat. He solemnly took out two divorce certificates from his briefcase. He held it in his hands and handed them to the gloomy Credence in the back seat.

"Mr. Scott, I'm sorry. gave Mrs. Scott a fake divorce certificate just now in the detention room."

Feeling the coldness surge out of Credence's body, Benjamin's heart and hands trembled as he held the divorce certificates, "Mr. Scott, please forgive me for making my own decisions. Truth be told, 1 was thinking that if gave Mrs. Scott the real certificates, it would be very likely that the two of you...that you and Mrs. Scott would never be able to go back."

As Credence's personal assistant, Benjamin had seen Credence's love for Dorothy blossom, from disgust to greed, then to joy. He had seen it all.

He understood that Dorothy had a spot in Credence's heart, it was just that Credence himself still was not aware of it..

However, relationships were an extremely private matter.

If Credence himself did not think it through clearly, no matter how much outsiders talked or did about it, it would not help much, and it would not be of much use either..

Credence was deep in thought for a while. He knew) that Benjamin's words were
reasonable, so he did not say anything more.

There were no extra emotions on his cold face, and he only nodded his head slightly.

He took the two certificates from Benjamin and looked at them. He read the two names on it- Credence Scott and Dorothy Fisher-for a long, long time.

He then carefully rubbed Dorothy's name with his fingers.

"Remember your place. If you dare call the shots again next time, you can immediately pack up and go to the branch in Afliton where the environment is bad, poor, and they're constantly short-staffed."

"Now, tell me all of Dorothy's reactions. The more detailed you are, the better!"

He suddenly raised his head and looked straight at Benjamin with his cold eyes.

Benjamin was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat, "Mrs. Scott's expressions changed immediately when she saw the divorce certificate. She seemed very sad and wanted to cry. I think that she's incredibly reluctant to divorce you. She must love you very much. Although she did not cry, I saw how red her eyes were."

"What did she say?"

"She said that she wishes for you and Rosalie to grow old together, and that the two of you will continue to harm each other forever."

He slowly put the certificates in his pocket. He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his long eyes under the light, "Why did she say that?"

Wasn't wishing him and Rosalie to grow old together going out of topic?

"Mrs. Scott said that the afternoon news on TV a few days ago reported that you had personally promised to marry Rosalie this year. She also said that you can find the news on the Internet."

Benjamin's heart skipped a beat after he finished speaking. However, through the rearview mirror, he I saw that his boss had slightly lifted his thin, cold lips.

He looked a bit more sinister than before.

"Which station broadcasted the news? Call the chief operators immediately, and get them to clear up those rumors about me immediately."

Benjamin hesitated for a few seconds, but he still chose to voice out the speculations he had.

"I think Rosalie is very likely to have something to do with this."

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