Yours Truly 5.

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Author's POV.

Faryal got comfortable after sometime of being Harry's friend. She thought it will result in some another disaster but it didn't, the fact that Harry always joked around her and called her a friend, gave her relief.

They continued to be friends with each other even after Harry and Michelle were done with her company. Harry would visit her twice or more a week. Faryal was used to it by then.

"Well I don't agree. " she says to Harry, he called her to ask if she could do him a favour by coming on a double date with him.

"Why not? It's just going to be both of us meeting two other friends. " he says and she sighs.

"I don't go on dates, Styles. Besides I don't want any man to get attracted to me for no reason. " she says typing on his laptop.

"You're so complicated. " he mutters and she sits up.

"And you're so stubborn. " she says.

"I don't get it what's with this all dating someone shit ! You never listen to me. " he says and she huffs.

"Because I don't take orders from you. I have my own ways with stuff. " she says.

"Yeah whatever. You just have your way of showing me that you will never respect my priorities as a friend. " he says and she rolls her eyes.

"Harry, I can do anything but this... " she says and he cuts her off.

"Oh leave it! You can't do me a favour and you say you'll do other things for me. Keep that to yourself. You're really not understandable. " he snaps and her nostrils flares.

"You know what. It's none of your business if you can't understand my priorities. I am not going and that's the final ans-

He hangs up and she gasps. She types a message to him saying, stop being such a douche and she puts her phone on silent.

"Another argument. " Tara says standing by her door and Faryal huffs.

"I don't get it why we can't stand each other without snapping and fighting. " she says and Tara chuckles and Faryal stares at her.

"That's because he's a man who gets what he wants and you are a girl that doesn't cross the boundary she has set up for her. " Faryal stares at her weirdly.

"Sometimes I don't understand either of you. " Faryal says and Tara chuckles.


Harry showed up at her place at night. She was putting the leftovers in the fridge when she heard him knocking. She opened the door and just stared at him skeptically before leaving the door open and walking back in the kitchen.

Harry senses that Faryal was still mad and he decided to come inside and close the door.

"I'm here to I'm sorry ." he says quietly and Faryal stops drying the counter. She looks up at him and he gives her a small smile.

"It's okay. " she says and he nods.

"So we're good right? " he asks and she chuckles.

"You really do care about what we both have. " she says and he sighs walking towards her.

"Can I hold your hand?" he asks and she nods, she never ever allowed anyone this quickly to hold her hand and she was surprised by her action but soon relieved as she felt his hand gripping hers.

"I do care. I can't lose an honest friend who isn't afraid of saying no to me. " he says and she nods. "Do you know how rare these type of people are. " she giggles and he smirks.

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