Why would you do that? 4

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Victoria's POV .

At my left side, I could feel his presence. He was fast asleep and I had my nap, in his arms, I felt so tired and lazy after all we went through all these years and how much we actually went through just a few hours ago.


You should grow a beard. " I said and he closed his eyes as my fingers travelled absentmindedly agaisnt his lips and corners.

I felt him kiss my finger tip and I smiled lazily. I felt so relaxed . The nex things I felt was his wet lips against mine. Not rushed at all. We were taking it all in. It was so wrong. We just agreed not to get back together.

This kiss felt just as the last kiss we had. But it felt wrong. As for the last one... It felt right.

So I didn't pushed him back , instead I grabbed his colar and pulling him closer. I missed him so damn much and I hated to agree. He let out a laugh as we fell on the couch are legs still hanging down the sofa.

His torso was pressing against my hipbones as he kissed me. His knuckles felt painful under my back as he cletched my in fear that I'll run away. I pulled away and Harry understood what that meant. He grabbed my legs as he rose himself up. He placed my legs on the leather.

He hovered over me again and kissed me tenderly again. This time it felt comfortable. He wasn't letting me go and I didn't wanted to leave either. But this kiss was telling me that we were doing something wrong.

Goodness! These kisses were giving me mixed signals. It felt wrong or right. But it had a sequence. First it felt right. Then wrong. Then right. And now again wrong.

So I decided to pull away and push Harry and he definitely deserved to frown over my chaotic gestures . I sat up and pushed my hair back. Harry was no standing up and staring at me. I looked up at him for a minor second and got up.

"I should be get going then. " I said as a adjusted my attire.

I grabbed my purse but I was pulled back and I frowned as Harry was grasping my shirt to pull me.

"Why? "

He looked perplexed and he to be honest surely was.

"Because we just decided we're better off as friends. We kissed and none of us pulled away. One of us had to stop it so I did. " I said and he let go off my shirt and laughed.

"So you again made a mature move to let go. Another negative conclusion to us! " he snapped when he said Us.

"Negative Conclusion! How was this decision negative. " I asked as I threw my purse on the sofa and towered over him .

"It is negative. You are doing it again. You run away when I try to fight for us and you know damn well how persuasive you are when you try to convince me and I always end up agreeing with you because your persuasive nature effects me alot. I stopped fighting 4 years ago the minute you said you couldn't do it anymore because I thought you were being pressured by me somehow. I always tried to make sure that you were comfortable around me but you never ever thought of me that way. Today again, you started caressing my jaw and then we kissed , you stopped after your bloody mind told you that it's enough now because it might be fucking wrong. " he said in such a calm voice that it broke me.

It didn't just broke me because he sounded broken. It broke because he was so right... He always did ended up agreeing with me. He did let me go and didn't fight back 4 years ago. He know me so well that he knew that my brain acutally worked that way and that I was thinking the same thought while making out with him on his leather sofa.

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